In the past 2 days while sorting stuff in a castle I own on Ice Isle, I've been getting a short period of lag then the "connection lost" message appears if I try to sort stuff during the evenings. This happens within 2 minutes of a character freeze-up or lack of response to dragging objects, and can happen again within 2 minutes of logging in after the first disconnect.
Has anyone else on Oceania shard been experiencing the same lag and disconnects while sorting items or fighting monsters? This problem occurs on both the Classic client and the Stygian Abyss client.
Sorting a lot of items can be frustrating if the game is going to keep disconnecting me every few minutes especially during prime time hours for our shard. I wonder if the hamster on Oceania is having trouble keeping the power supply going for all the network connection packets our shard gets during prime time hours?
Ping and tracert seems fine, so I don't know what is happening here. If anyoneis experiencing the same problem or has any ideas or clues please reply here as I will be forwarding this post onto EA/Mythic for further examination.
Has anyone else on Oceania shard been experiencing the same lag and disconnects while sorting items or fighting monsters? This problem occurs on both the Classic client and the Stygian Abyss client.
Sorting a lot of items can be frustrating if the game is going to keep disconnecting me every few minutes especially during prime time hours for our shard. I wonder if the hamster on Oceania is having trouble keeping the power supply going for all the network connection packets our shard gets during prime time hours?
Ping and tracert seems fine, so I don't know what is happening here. If anyoneis experiencing the same problem or has any ideas or clues please reply here as I will be forwarding this post onto EA/Mythic for further examination.