I actually have 10 skill points left over lol.
Kilt has 107 total resist.
The cost to make this on a live server would be staggering. At 120 Imbu the first 2 mods at max intensity are cake, 3rd has a few fails, 4 can be a pain, and the 5th can be an outright tear jerker. Seems you don't lose the rare gems when you fail, but you can lose everything else. For Max intensity on some things you need some peerless reagents and rare gems as well as relic fragments which I've gotten from unraveling Artifacts like Armor of fortune, Gauntlets of nobility etc. Other things aren't so bad and just require gems + rare gems and Enchanted essence's.
Now also something worth mentioning is that I made these on a soulforge that has a +3 bonus and it still cost me a great deal of Enchanted Essence, Relic Shards, and regular gems to make this suit. I am going to try and make this exact suit again but using the "No Bonus" soulforge this time and record exactly how many resources I am burning though.
But thats 940 Skill points
Resists 70 70 67 67 70
Also I am wearing the sone woven Mantle for an additional + 10 musicianship but it seems to be a waste considering I could make some sleeves with maybe some HR, Stamina Regen (Gargs drain some stamina when flying) finish off my resists to be all 70's maybe add some reflect phiscal dmg. and just use the extra +10 skill points I have left over to take musicianship up to 60 so that it's 120 after +skill items.
Ring, Bracelet, earings and Necklace all have
+15 Animal Lore
+15 Taming
+15 Musicianship
+15 peacemaking
and I stopped there because there seemed to be no end on the fails for the 5th mod. I mean I even tried going to just like 10 extra skill points on the 5th and for hours I just failed and failed and failed lol. SO I gave up and just made them all 4 mods. Seems some things are easier to add than others. Resists gave me little trouble, while +skill gave me a migrain. But I must admit even the 5th resist gave me a headache on most pieces as well thats why the legs and chest have only 4 while the kilt has 5. Arms are song woven mantel so can't imbue.
In any case thats my report for now oO lol.