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General Imbuing questions.



From my understanding, someone with imbuing can create an item and decide on the mods. With every additional mod the chance of creating the item lowers. With a skill like this, it would seem foolish to buy items or a suit currently. Being that I am a returning player, it would seem that it is pointless to work on my suit until SA is officially released, yes?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Remember that imbued items are "temporary" - that is, they WILL break eventually, tho there are things you can do to make sure it takes a while.

Remember that this is still beta and they have said that things may still change. In fact, Cal specifically mentioned Imbuing ...


In my opinon the only useful items to imbue are jewelrys, because imbued items cant be repaired (am i right here?) and jewelry will take much less damage than armor or even weapons..
Also, the imbue-able resists on armor are pretty bad (only go till 13 i think)

so its still pretty usefull to hoard a lot of armor

this states the beta status of it of course


Colorblind Collector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In my opinon the only useful items to imbue are jewelrys, because imbued items cant be repaired (am i right here?) and jewelry will take much less damage than armor or even weapons..
Also, the imbue-able resists on armor are pretty bad (only go till 13 i think)

so its still pretty usefull to hoard a lot of armor

this states the beta status of it of course
i thought you could repair them just not pof them after they have been imbued.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I made a suit for a gargoyle yesterday (as a challenge from someone) with the following mods from exceptionally crafted plain leather pieces (arms, legs, chest, kilt) (NOT runic crafted but with a standard sewing kit) A store bought pair of earrings, rings and necklace and using an Orni/Totem of Void as brace/tally.

40 LMC
100 LRC
8 MR
20 hpi
15 SDI
45 DCI
3/6 FC/FCR
50 EP

This was NOT using a spellbook, shield, robe, cloak or any other 'item' to those listed above. Obviously putting on a scrapper's etc would alter the SDI/LMC/fc etc and you would alter the mods you put on the armor if you were including 'other' known common items.

I had very very few 'fails' as once you 'get' the order of applying a mod you maximise the success rate, they have different 'hidden' weights depending on the mod as to success, so putting MR on costs more in resources than say putting on energy resist etc. Once you get your 'main' couple of mods on an item, you use the lesser ''cost" mods last that only chew up essence rather than relic frags etc so the cost is minimal on the lower % success mods ie the 4th/5th property added. Basically the % success rate generally goes

1st mod: 170-200% success 100% intensity
2nd mod: 95-117% success 100% intensity
3rd mod: 50-63% success 100% intensity
4th mod: 24.9% success 100% intensity
5th mod: 4.9% success 80% intensity

Resists can go well above 13, imbuing depends a lot on the 'order' of what you put on so technically you can put a resist on a bit of leather up to like 23% whatever the max is for that resist. You can only put resists up to 15 on jewelry as that is the max in normal gameplay, however on armor bits a resist can go as high as the max on stuff crafted with a brk.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And here you thought you didnt understand it, Echo! Very nice job of explaining it in "real people, not some warped brain" way ;)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hehe well I need to get it in my head in 'my terms' lol. Once I get something I get it for good, just sometimes I will take a round about way of getting it to start with. Helps having you put the 'maths' into terms I can understand!



40 LMC
100 LRC
8 MR
20 hpi
15 SDI
45 DCI
3/6 FC/FCR
50 EP
Nice work. :thumbsup:

Did you happen to record how much material you expended or were likely to expend (if you came in under projected figures)? Also, can we see a breakdown (per item) of how you distributed the properties?

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Benefactor
It looks like the 2D client is bugged and does not show imbuing in the skill menu. Any other way to open the menu?

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
I thought it would be under craft. It looks like overwriting your previous desktop folder made both imbuing and mysticism disappear. I see them now after deleting the skills organization file.


Is the point system still in place for unraveling? as in 451+ to get a relic?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a bad feeling that imbuing will be less useful than runic crafting by the time they're done changing it :(

Which sucks, because so far imbuing is the only way I've been able to see weapons with the 4 mods I need.


I have a bad feeling that imbuing will be less useful than runic crafting by the time they're done changing it :(

Which sucks, because so far imbuing is the only way I've been able to see weapons with the 4 mods I need.
I agree with you. Too many complainers. They don't realize in the current form it's gonna take 100's of millions worth of resources to get imbuing skill to the point that you can even get those mods at those chances and if they don't have that type of cash they will take a good year or so to finish.
Breakable items that will be rare and sell for 100's millions on there own to of set the price of the training skill.
If they decide to make it less useful who really is gonna bother with such a investment.


They don't realize in the current form it's gonna take 100's of millions worth of resources to get imbuing skill to the point that you can even get those mods at those chances and if they don't have that type of cash they will take a good year or so to finish.
Im preeeeety sure that this is what the devs are trying to accomplish. Thanks for laying out the verbal groundwork though.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can make great suits with things already, I just made a dexor suit for the char i'm planning on making Mods are...


150 dex 170 stamina
100di without weapon


You can make great suits with things already, I just made a dexor suit for the char i'm planning on making Mods are...


150 dex 170 stamina
100di without weapon
You can, but if you are making a suit for a more complicated template (such as one that abuses a lot of +skill items), waiting to see what imbuing ends up as isn't a bad idea.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can, but if you are making a suit for a more complicated template (such as one that abuses a lot of +skill items), waiting to see what imbuing ends up as isn't a bad idea.
well that suit also has +36 skill points so I have 8 usable skills >.<


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with you. Too many complainers. They don't realize in the current form it's gonna take 100's of millions worth of resources to get imbuing skill to the point that you can even get those mods at those chances and if they don't have that type of cash they will take a good year or so to finish.

The problem is, that in the game there are players with this wealth and more.

What the changes are going to do, is make the powerfull and wealth even more powerfull and wealthier and widen the Gap betweem them and the average players.

Instead of evening out the field to make PvP more competitive I see changes which will make elite more elite and those who try catching up have to catch up even more.

Personally, I 100% disagree with this approach.

The goal should be to EQUALIZE players which means harder, better and more competitive PvP, not make the strong even stronger and the weak more struggling and frustrated.

Wrong, totally wrong approach, IMHO.

Breakable items that will be rare and sell for 100's millions on there own to of set the price of the training skill.
If they decide to make it less useful who really is gonna bother with such a investment.
And who can afford this type of "new" uber items ?

So now a few players will rule it all while the rest of players pay for the game's bills with their subscriptions ?

And this is a game change to help the game last for longer ?

Eventually the wider majority will figure out that they are paying the bills to get only a few have fun over them and what do you think they will do if not quit playing the game ?

Good changes should cater the AVERAGE player which are the majority, not the few elite.

At least that is my opinion.

Der Rock

The problem is, that in the game there are players with this wealth and more.

WHY are you NOT wealthy??????????????????????????????
for example, in the last ToT event is was extremly easy to make 100 million or more

why cant people realice that production shards are NOT testshard
give resources/give arties LOL

what do you expect from an MMO game????
log in and be the king of the hill with SET IMBUING 1200 ???????

things should be HARD in UO, otherwise it makes no sense and we are at the boring level very fast again

by some means or other,UO has so many ways to get what you need,but making all to easy means killing UO

To the DEV-TEAM :
a big :thumbup: for the Dev´s so far, and dont destroy SA
DONT listen to the whiners !

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They don't realize in the current form it's gonna take 100's of millions worth of resources to get imbuing skill to the point that you can even get those mods at those chances and if they don't have that type of cash they will take a good year or so to finish.

I disagree with this assessment, however I don't currently have the facts and figures to disprove your assumption.

I can however point out that, contrary to some reports here, peerless ingredients are not required. Mining and lumber jack resources are only required to imbue at 90% intensity and higher, which leaves gems from juka, earth eles, etc + unravelling ingredients. I'm collecting up items with high intensity in undesirable mods for this purpose.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
WHY are you NOT wealthy??????????????????????????????
for example, in the last ToT event is was extremly easy to make 100 million or more

Simple answer ?

Because I refuse wholeheartedly to take part to Events who pile up players all hunting for the same one items, hoarding them.

I'd rather climb 100 floors by the stairs than getting into a packed up elevator....
I hate messy and chaotic environments.

things should be HARD in UO, otherwise it makes no sense and we are at the boring level very fast again

The problem is not things being hard, the problem is that in order to have competitive PvP, a game needs to have a WHOLE LOT of players all having similar gear/items and the more the better.

If only a few are uber powerfull because they have more time to play or are richer, they just dominate PvP making it hardly competitive and frustrate all other players.

Instead, if all players are moreless on the same evened field this would make it for a way more competitive PvP game since all players will find their matches way more frequently.

Now, instead, those with gold to spend or time to spend dominate.
To my opinion, this is wrong and does not make for a good and highly competitive PvP environment.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
so does this skill mean i can eventually add 35 ssi to an ornate axe i have locked down in my house with 80 hml, 92 hll and 96 hld?

it was the perfect axe just no ssi :(

on top of that i think that one was made with dull copper and it was over 255 durability..


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can possibly add 30 SSI. Not 35 however.

But if it's anything other than iron... No, you can't imbue it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
so you gotta make just regular iron stuff? i think i was using dull copper ingots..

its no big deal, those ornates made with a gold runic all had really high mods.. just hardly any with ssi.. then you imbue ssi? what level of skill do you need to just add one mod like ssi?


i think popps hit the nail right on the head

i would like to see imbuing for jewelry only, not for armor or weapons, its to powerful.

or i would like to see it working like enchantment .... the more mods you add the higher a chance to destroy the item.

the way it works at the moment i really dont like .... just make uber items with a barbed/valorite/whatever runic and add the attributes you are missing with imbuing .....way to powerful



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lol. Imbuing is more powerful for jewelry than it is on weapons or armor.


so you gotta make just regular iron stuff? i think i was using dull copper ingots..

its no big deal, those ornates made with a gold runic all had really high mods.. just hardly any with ssi.. then you imbue ssi? what level of skill do you need to just add one mod like ssi?
Remember, the more mods an item has, the more difficult it is to imbue. Also there are a maximum number of mods (5 I believe) or total intensities that can be added (480% I think)..

I have some great pitchforks that unfortunately have 5 mods already, usually one useless one like SC, UBWS or MW. As far as I've seen you cannot remove properties as was originally discussed in the Imbuing thread, which is disappointing. As pitchforks can't be made runic I just have to get lucky with a piece of loot or start from scratch with a plain one.



I actually have 10 skill points left over lol.

Kilt has 107 total resist.

The cost to make this on a live server would be staggering. At 120 Imbu the first 2 mods at max intensity are cake, 3rd has a few fails, 4 can be a pain, and the 5th can be an outright tear jerker. Seems you don't lose the rare gems when you fail, but you can lose everything else. For Max intensity on some things you need some peerless reagents and rare gems as well as relic fragments which I've gotten from unraveling Artifacts like Armor of fortune, Gauntlets of nobility etc. Other things aren't so bad and just require gems + rare gems and Enchanted essence's.

Now also something worth mentioning is that I made these on a soulforge that has a +3 bonus and it still cost me a great deal of Enchanted Essence, Relic Shards, and regular gems to make this suit. I am going to try and make this exact suit again but using the "No Bonus" soulforge this time and record exactly how many resources I am burning though.

But thats 940 Skill points
Resists 70 70 67 67 70
Also I am wearing the sone woven Mantle for an additional + 10 musicianship but it seems to be a waste considering I could make some sleeves with maybe some HR, Stamina Regen (Gargs drain some stamina when flying) finish off my resists to be all 70's maybe add some reflect phiscal dmg. and just use the extra +10 skill points I have left over to take musicianship up to 60 so that it's 120 after +skill items.

Ring, Bracelet, earings and Necklace all have

+15 Animal Lore
+15 Taming
+15 Musicianship
+15 peacemaking

and I stopped there because there seemed to be no end on the fails for the 5th mod. I mean I even tried going to just like 10 extra skill points on the 5th and for hours I just failed and failed and failed lol. SO I gave up and just made them all 4 mods. Seems some things are easier to add than others. Resists gave me little trouble, while +skill gave me a migrain. But I must admit even the 5th resist gave me a headache on most pieces as well thats why the legs and chest have only 4 while the kilt has 5. Arms are song woven mantel so can't imbue.

In any case thats my report for now oO lol.


lol. Imbuing is more powerful for jewelry than it is on weapons or armor.
you dont see the point

atm you can imbue BOTH jewelry AND armor/weapons, so its more powerful than with imbuing jewelry OR armor/weapons alone .... makes sense? no?


Sounds like I''ll finally get my discordance max damage chiv archer with Rune Beetle and Bake in tow ;D ; 120 Discordance, 120 Musicianship, 120 Archery, 100 Animal Taming, 100 Animal Lore, 120 Anatomy, 120 Tactics, 80 Chivarly, 90 Healing, Im pretty sure crafting a nice set of 60 skill jewllery (ring, bracelet, necklace and earrings will set me back a lot but I reckon it would be worth it). x


i think popps hit the nail right on the head

i would like to see imbuing for jewelry only, not for armor or weapons, its to powerful.

or i would like to see it working like enchantment .... the more mods you add the higher a chance to destroy the item.

the way it works at the moment i really dont like .... just make uber items with a barbed/valorite/whatever runic and add the attributes you are missing with imbuing .....way to powerful

Not quite though really; once the items imbued with the extra magical property it needs to gain it's own level 13 artifact tag, it gains another special attibute - un-powder of fortable? ; that item now has a lifespan, granted it can be repaired but it will eventually return to pixel dust after extended use. What I'd like to know is whether +60 skill jewellery etc is only worn down through combat/being hit or is it a gradual decay rate over time - perhaps tied to the skills that are boosted, surley you'll have people running round with (900+ skill) templates that focus more on tameables to take the damage whilst they heal/cast spells/ping arrows and in doing so pose little risk to the items durability.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
no, I don't think you can do that. Gargoyles can't use archery, they have throwing instead.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Not quite though really; once the items imbued with the extra magical property it needs to gain it's own level 13 artifact tag, it gains another special attibute - un-powder of fortable? ; that item now has a lifespan, granted it can be repaired but it will eventually return to pixel dust after extended use.

This is no problem for those with wealth to burn or, for example, for scripters who can chop and mine 24/7...........

As it is, I am afraid that imbuing will further widen the Gap between the haves and the have nots of Britannia.

Bad, bad change as it stands, IMHO.


Legendary Assassin
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Stratics Legend
it still is beta test form i wouldnt be suprised with lots more tweaks before publish...

this publish makes our miners, lumberjacks, and fishers worth something again...

only thing i think is, this pub makes it sort of like all the artifacts in the game are worth even less than they are now..

whats the point of having artifacts if you can technically create better ones with your own crafter...


it still is beta test form i wouldnt be suprised with lots more tweaks before publish...

this publish makes our miners, lumberjacks, and fishers worth something again...

only thing i think is, this pub makes it sort of like all the artifacts in the game are worth even less than they are now..

whats the point of having artifacts if you can technically create better ones with your own crafter...
Well you can make better and you can't. Artifacts can go beyond the normal rng with it's mods, imbuing on the other hand can't.

Crystaline ring - +20 Magery
Imbuing - +15
Armor of Fortune is a good example - LRC 40
Imbuing - LRC 20

Also the fc/fcr max for imbuing is 1/3 on an item. So the arties still more than have there place. Imbuing lets you customize mods but not exceed what could happen if you hit the lottery with the rng.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You should really look harder at what's possible and what's not.

A little while ago I 'copied' a hatchet my hubby's char uses on Europa, (hit lightning 44, HML 49, HLA 38, SSI 20 DI 50) I didn't count the cost of creating that. But then I tried to improve it using imbuing.
HML 49 - oki I'll raise that - maximum I could raise it to was 56%. Took a few tries, but I did it (didn't lose the parasitic plant, did lose the enchanted essence and sapphires).
So then I looked at the SSI - 20% What could I raise it to? Maximum the menu would let me raise it to was 30% and I had only a 7% chance of succeeding. On Europa, faced with that decision, I would have decided the increase was not going to be worth the cost of the failures.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah. As it is now, making "perfect" items is going to take WAY too long and too many resources, without that magic box of 1k of each ingredient.


UO Forum Moderator
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I disagree with this assessment, however I don't currently have the facts and figures to disprove your assumption.

I can however point out that, contrary to some reports here, peerless ingredients are not required. Mining and lumber jack resources are only required to imbue at 90% intensity and higher, which leaves gems from juka, earth eles, etc + unravelling ingredients. I'm collecting up items with high intensity in undesirable mods for this purpose.
I have been collecting gems and items to unravel for a while now and have about 500 items + to unravel not to mention hundreds of gems and am glad peerless were not included as I dont fight these very often...

And I don't think its going to cost as much or take as long as some are saying