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Gathering Supplies

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Lord Dupre had been in the process of bolstering the numbers of recruits since he had returned from Felucca. Reports of the gargoyle city of Ver Lor Reg being destroyed had been arriving and scouts have reported machines being installed in the ruins, turning the city in to what looked like the exodus dungeon. Dupre called for his military advisors and was given a map of Ver Lor Reg and the surrounding areas up to exodus dungeon. “Our scouts report that the machine forces are heavily embedded within the city now, but surprisingly seem to be avoiding the outskirts.” Dupre nodded as his advisor finished speaking. “That is good news then. This Oasis here… I would like to use this area here for the upcoming mission.” He pointed on the map to the oasis just outside the city. “We will set up right away but, we lack the supply lines to keep it from being overrun if attacked.” Dupre reached for a blank scroll. “I will make some requests for supplies then.”
Lore Dupre seeks assistance establishing supply lines for an upcoming mission! Those willing to help will go to allied towns and establish the supplies. Meet at Britain Hall 6/21/2012 at 9EST 8 CST

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