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Garg Wing Armor

  • Thread starter Old Macdonald
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Old Macdonald

Have seen many question the wing armor and what it takes to get it done for their gargoyle.

Here it is = broken down kindergarden style =

Quiver of infinity - Tailoring Kit - Alter - Equip -

Brightsights work when altered as well, so you can wear your sunglasses at night~
(Think Tinker!) :thumbup1:

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can also craft wing armor in leather of cloth, though with no properties: http://uo.stratics.com/content/skills/tailoring.php
All craftable quivers, quiver of rage and quiver of elements also convert. The various Lieutenant boots convert to talons. Crimson Cincture converts to a gargoyle half apron and there's a gargoyle sash too.

Old Macdonald

Thanks for the additional post Petra!
Outstanding Info :thumbup1: