I just started gardening again from a year long break. last time, i had all my pots locked down in the house, stacked. this time, taking ideas from previous posters, i just held them in the back pack of a 'gardener' char. i'd log in ever day, take care of the care, and log out.
last night, my pots didn't go forward a day. all the pots show yesterdays stats.
(the only different thing i did yesterday from previous days, was log in around 11pm to take care of them, i usually did them at 11am, but had forgotten that morning. I thought it didn't matter, so long as they were cared for before the server maintenance?)
anyone else have this problem? did i do something wrong?
last night, my pots didn't go forward a day. all the pots show yesterdays stats.
(the only different thing i did yesterday from previous days, was log in around 11pm to take care of them, i usually did them at 11am, but had forgotten that morning. I thought it didn't matter, so long as they were cared for before the server maintenance?)
anyone else have this problem? did i do something wrong?