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Game is Broken

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EA employees, your game is broken, please fix it. The lag is unbearable, maybe if you stoped working on useless facebook apts and put your time into fixing what you have you wouldn't leak customers. I know its out of the question for EA to give u a budget to upgrade your hamsters, but if you give me a paypal link, i could send u a couple of dollars to upgrade your ZX Spectrums.


I think there is already a thread about lag.
And there are 50 more whining about what people think EA employees should be focusing on.

I just thought I would throw that out there


I love when people assume that b/c something wasn't fixed in 5 minutes it means it's not being worked on.

But I could be wrong. Maybe EA just sits around drinking all night with their pants off and playing WoW

I doubt it though.

Keep It Real

The lag is bad and players are just asking that it be a priority to fix it, no need to get on paying customers about a legit complaint. And yes there are numerous threads about such complaints so this one will most likely be locked.


As a paying customer I can get on any other customer's case. I pay for that right. *snickers*

I'm aware of the lag. Being rude about it like this person was won't solve anything.

Keep It Real

Yeah ok whatevah......Just so the team knows it IS A MAJOR ISSUE with the game right now.


Lag isn't just an EA problem. Maybe you should read this Thread.

Also, here is something that Lee stated in that thread about lag:


A few words on Lag...

-<u>we know there is lag</u>
-<u>we are working on it but it will not be fixed overnight.</u>

I would like a little information please.

Dutch... Are you only playing in TC3? If you don't are you keeping multiple patched folders?

Gracie and donallg... Same questions.

As pointed out manythings can cause "lag" some of this may be the server sending object selectors to your clients.

Here is what will help with some issues caused by lag.
-when landing on a property and you it seems you are hung. "WAIT" when you are presented with a cancel or continue button try the cancel button. Then go your lot or a lot with few people. This should help and even help with lease errors.
-we just ran and optimization on the merged Database. This should help with lag.



[/ QUOTE ]

I put some things into <u>bold and underlined </u> them for you to read. It's not all their fault like I said. If you read that thread I linked above you will understand.

Where is Donavan to explain this stuff when we need him.


There is already a thread about lag.....so I am locking this one up.
Please continue any comments on the subject of lag in this thread.

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