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[Fishing] Gains 95.0+


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there anywhere you can fish where it's more than just 'EASY'?

I've been fishing in the deep sea on my boat and using the skill ball, I can't find anywhere that is anything harder than EASY.

Mr Bug

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Try crab fishing it seems to be better for gains higher up and especially over 100. Otherwise it's sal****er fishing. But assuming you have the HS booster I think you will find gains to be better from crabbing, just stock up on lots of traps in the bank. Hope this helps, and good luck.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have ready that after 95 skill the hardest you will find in open water is "easy" so just keep plugging away. While my skill is much lower than yours what I am finding really boosts game is before you throw a line out with your rod run down one side of your boat dumping lobster traps as you go... although it takes a while to get bites when you do get one you can get extra gains. I find that out of 8 traps that i drop I average 0.2 gains at 65 skill... sometimes as many as 0.5 which is great! and since your fishing already there is little work involved and you can save what you catch for quests.