AKA Harloff
July 25th Guild Shard Event!
The Glorious Lady Kathrine, and, the Elder Council of the Guardians of Valhalla welcome The Great Lakes Shard to this months shard event. It will be held on the 25th of July 9pm eastern, 8 pm central. Gates will be provided from Luna. For this months event, we will be doing, Twaulo of the Glade Centaur champ (next to swoop) cu's, pixies, wisp,treefellows all the good stuff. Bards are most welcome provoke goes a long way
The Glorious Lady Kathrine, and, the Elder Council of the Guardians of Valhalla welcome The Great Lakes Shard to this months shard event. It will be held on the 25th of July 9pm eastern, 8 pm central. Gates will be provided from Luna. For this months event, we will be doing, Twaulo of the Glade Centaur champ (next to swoop) cu's, pixies, wisp,treefellows all the good stuff. Bards are most welcome provoke goes a long way