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G E M M A Read Me File!

  • Thread starter Old Macdonald
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Old Macdonald

G E M M A,

Was hoping you might be able to help OR make a similar, yet slightly more graphic up to date version of my SIG?

Animated blood squirting out of the neck perhaps?!
Maybe sewn LIPS and eyes (shrunken head).

Actually, I would like to have a new paperdoll screenie put into the same kinda layout with the same head in my hand. IF you can help me send a pm me or post here in the thread.

~ Ander/Old Mac ~



Um. I don't know how to do animated gifs, but I'd be glad to give a shot at making you a new sig. Send me a file of your paperdoll?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I like the decapitated slave version though :danceb:

Old Macdonald


I'll send the paperdoll out right away!

I like the decapitated slave version though :danceb:
The figure seen in my hand on Mac's sig is represenative of nobody, nor is it the likeness of anyone in particular. The only resemblance that was ever intended is to that of "Medusa."

~Old Macdonald~
Medusa Slayer

Old Macdonald

Um. I don't know how to do animated gifs, but I'd be glad to give a shot at making you a new sig. Send me a file of your paperdoll?

Not sure if PM would have worked so i posted here - if you need a different one let me know and i'll resend. Ty Sir you are a gentleman and a scholar! :thumbsup:



Not sure if PM would have worked so i posted here - if you need a different one let me know and i'll resend. Ty Sir you are a gentleman and a scholar! :thumbsup:
Yeah, i should be able to make that work if i get some free time.

Old Macdonald

I appreciate the help Gemma, take your time man.
I read the post about your frined. Sorry to hear about his condition.
I cant think of anything worse than losing the ability to see.
Hes got a good friend in you. Just wish I knew more about the audio books so I could be of some help.

Maybe try searching some "learning or educational" sites for the blind - maybe those would have some reccomendations or solutions that would fit your criteria concerning the audio books. Perhaps some additional ideas for recreation as well.
Good luck in the search for helping out your friend!


Curious to know if any headway has been made on the new signature.


eeeesh. I'm sorry man, I've honestly been working 70 hour weeks, and I'm home early today because my back is out. I PROMISE I'll see what I can do about it this weekend.



eeeesh. I'm sorry man, I've honestly been working 70 hour weeks, and I'm home early today because my back is out. I PROMISE I'll see what I can do about it this weekend.

No reason to be hard on yourself - im in no rush, just a friendly reminder mate!