It's been a while since I asked you about the KR stuff - it was before you all seemed to change direction on how you were doing the graphics upgrade.
So with the changes you made, how would the graphics upgrade compare to like the KR graphics like this:
File:Kingdom Reborn.jpg - UOGuide, the Ultima Online encyclopedia
Well, the new high res tiles are going to have the same feel (and in some cases be indistinguishable) as the classic client, as opposed to a completely re-invisioned look like we did with UOKR. This is so UO in the EC client doesn't loose the "UO look" that classic client players have come to know so well. So converting the 2D graphics into 3D has a LOT of wins associated with it. And really goes a long way to bringing UO into a more current pipeline development scheme, which has been what I've been working on for UO since I started on this team 8 years ago.
So visually, it's going to look like UO, just higher resolution.