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Funny things you hear in UO...



I would love to hear some of the funnier moments you guys have had.

Yesterday I overheard a conversation that went like this,

guy a: "I offered guy c 100 mil to teach me to pvp with vollems and he turned me down!"

guy b: "what's the problem - you don't know how to spell 'all kill?'"

Rand Al

I would love to hear some of the funnier moments you guys have had.

Yesterday I overheard a conversation that went like this,

guy a: "I offered guy c 100 mil to teach me to pvp with vollems and he turned me down!"

guy b: "what's the problem - you don't know how to spell 'all kill?'"
ha well all i gota say is eric northman!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ive been hearing this alot lately...

Hey where are you ??

Im comming....

i prefer much rather to :lol: use en route :lol:


One of my funniest uo memories was the night i was playing on acid and silk said 'guys, we're out of spider skulls'. . . I don't know why that struck me so funny.

In depth discussion with bob dylan regarding various assortments of beef-flavored pop-cicles.

In depth discussions with pink and pain regarding how I had bourbon-diarrhea that came out, and I quote, "it was like a jet-stream" i whispered, with my wife in the background "I AM TAKING A TEST, SHUT UP".

The day I coined SG 'wiener-dog'. That was win.

When I farted in the mic and someone said they could smell it. win.

Whenever I killed apocalips and he got real racist. at least weekly there for a while, and very funny.

Every time tesla opens his mouth. always good for a laugh. Member when he said "Higher Archery" instead of hierarchy. . I do. I will never forget. I will never forgive his stupidity.


Every time tesla opens his mouth. always good for a laugh. Member when he said "Higher Archery" instead of hierarchy. . I do. I will never forget. I will never forgive his stupidity.
he's back again, btw..

Rand Al

all we need is Eric to come back and let those 2 start talking to each other and bam lololololol all night!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Player A: I was here first.
Me: So?
Player A: If you dont leave I will page.
Me: So?
Player A: Paged!
Me: Good luck with that.
Player A: Better leave before GM bans you.
Me: Ill take my chances