From the Quill of Xavier Braddock:
Citizens of the Realm,
Join us on Sunday Febuary 27th, 2011 as we lay to rest Queen Dawn the leader of all Sosaria. Memorial ceremony set to begin inside the throne room of Castle Britannia at 8pm EST. with interment at an undisclosed location thereafter.
The brave Queen slain, as she attempted to provide the realm with the means to end the Bane invasion fell at the hand of her Husband Ors. The murderous Ors if sighted is wanted on charges of murder. He is considered armed and dangerous.
Flowers and other tribute may be brought and secured at the burial location.
Citizens of the Realm,
Join us on Sunday Febuary 27th, 2011 as we lay to rest Queen Dawn the leader of all Sosaria. Memorial ceremony set to begin inside the throne room of Castle Britannia at 8pm EST. with interment at an undisclosed location thereafter.
The brave Queen slain, as she attempted to provide the realm with the means to end the Bane invasion fell at the hand of her Husband Ors. The murderous Ors if sighted is wanted on charges of murder. He is considered armed and dangerous.
Flowers and other tribute may be brought and secured at the burial location.