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Full Spellbook / Other newbie supplies

  • Thread starter frostfire
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0



Where abouts in UOLS can I find a full spell book? I am a old school player... Quit playing shortly after the introduction of Trammel, and I am now back to just play around... and cannot for the life of me find recall/mark... and want to just cut to the chase and pay someone for a full spellbook lol.

Also looking for any info (maybe related!) that leads me to a mall where vendors are actually stocked... for fencer items, armor/weps, and crafting supplies.

Most important is the recall/mark/full spellbook...

Any help appreciated

Frostfire of LS (Old School BoJ - tho they no longer exist =P)


Yo Shamus,

thanks for the reply mate.

I will try to stay awake... Its going on 4am where I am now (Thailand)... and I am dead tired from a night on the town, but I might be able to stay awake for a hour more. I am PMing you my MSN info... hopefully you have MSN... but its my email as well, which I check frequently.

Thanks mate,
