I thought this snippet of information was common knowledge, till I read a post from someone I considered to be very knowledgeable who didn't seem to be aware of it.
When you make fu kiya darts it converts all the wood you have into an apparent single dart with many charges. Loading a fu kiya from this and then unloading it will split the darts into 10 charge darts.
In much the same way as loading 5 x 2 charge shuriken into a ninja belt then unloading it creates a 10 charge shuriken.
When you make fu kiya darts it converts all the wood you have into an apparent single dart with many charges. Loading a fu kiya from this and then unloading it will split the darts into 10 charge darts.
In much the same way as loading 5 x 2 charge shuriken into a ninja belt then unloading it creates a 10 charge shuriken.