I have been trying for about a month or a little longer for a GM to come to my house and fix it. I am on LS and have a small Luna house and the people in front of me did a customize or something like that and now my house is "Improperly Placed" AND I can't put my tables back up on the East wall. I know this is a very tiny problem. But when you hear every day for over a month, that this is something that needs to be further investigated, you tend to get very, very irritated. How hard can it be to stop by the house in question and fix this issue???? I have never posted about the poor, poor customer service, but this one has put me over the edge. Crap, I live in a 7x8 and I can't use the east wall tiles, this is HUGE in a small space. I am so angry I want to shut down all my accounts and get on with something different!!! Can someone enlighten me on what I should say or do to get this problem resolved??? Please do not tell me to page a GM they do NOT exist!!!! All that is, is a message generator that makes you wait for hours upon hours to go from 11 to 6 in que and then you get that canned response EVERY SINGLE TIME!! Sorry for the rant but I am about to explode.