Lore Master
this message is mainly for the dev teams but everyone feel free to comment if you like. ok i am getting very frusterated trying to get one single magic box. i don't care that it is empty i just want one not to sell but to add to my collection of rares. i cannot afford the 11 million gold on one vendor i saw it selling for. waiting hours and hours for one single stranger to pop up with only one magic box and with all the lag and with at least 50 players competing for the magic box it is pratically unfair i mean it seems everyone leaves frusterated except for the one who gets the magic box and those that got one prior. i request that considering they spawn so infrequently that they will spawn multiple magic boxes maybe 5 to 10 max all spread in differnt places so more players have a chance to get one that doesn't gaurente that everyone will get one but at least everyone will have a much fairer chance. if your not going to do that at least make it spawn multiple high level artis too worth 10k points each as a nice constalation prize that would be make more players happy.