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From the EM Boards

Zurhet Pebblethief

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Catskills Easter Event

by Kasaven

Happy Easter, everyone!

Starting today, we’ve activated a quest that can be completed any time between now and May 7th.

The quest can be initiated by hitting the blue rune on the table inside the counselor’s hall, and then saying “hello” to Wren the florist. If for any reason the rune is blocked, you can find Wren by taking the yellow moongate to the Fairground and following the road to the southeast.

This quest splits off into two different routes with two different endings fairly early on, so keep that in mind. You can complete both endings if you wish. This isn’t a monster-based event, however you might encounter low-level monsters throughout the course of completing the quest.

Good luck, and again, Happy Easter! You have plenty of time to finish these quests. Use the feedback section of the website if you have any comments or questions.


Found Here: Catskills