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From CBR dotCOM posted today: Ultima Online: The Assassination of Lord British


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I actually didn't know that's how it went down...very cool to read that article. I thought it was a planned thing. Hilarious to think that the Devs had to re-establish their invulnerability after a server crash and simply forgetting to do so caused all kinds of chaos


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Seems like it was poorly handled. They could have taken a few other paths here. Like a community event to obtain a rare ingredient to bring LB back to life. The kingdom could have placed economic sanctions on the person who committed the crime. Something like everything in game costing 2x as much for him. Or making him drop his items in his pack every 10 minutes or something else.

Could have had a court system where a trial was run with people attending and presenting evidence and then subjecting him to prison with an event for reds to break him free after a week.

Etc. There is just so much lost where the devs could interact with the player base with events all along.

Instead our events are - here is a massive hoard of mobs. Please kill them all for hours on end with the hopes of a drop or points for an item.

I mean honestly - these events are about as inventive as 'go mow the lawn'. Now do it again. 20 times. See Ice Dungeon. See Deceit. Etc.


Stratics Veteran
I actually didn't know that's how it went down...very cool to read that article. I thought it was a planned thing. Hilarious to think that the Devs had to re-establish their invulnerability after a server crash and simply forgetting to do so caused all kinds of chaos
I knew about Rainz and his actions (from some who were there) but not the other stuff. Interesting.

Seems like it was poorly handled. They could have taken a few other paths here. Like a community event to obtain a rare ingredient to bring LB back to life. The kingdom could have placed economic sanctions on the person who committed the crime. Something like everything in game costing 2x as much for him. Or making him drop his items in his pack every 10 minutes or something else.

Could have had a court system where a trial was run with people attending and presenting evidence and then subjecting him to prison with an event for reds to break him free after a week.

Etc. There is just so much lost where the devs could interact with the player base with events all along.

Instead our events are - here is a massive hoard of mobs. Please kill them all for hours on end with the hopes of a drop or points for an item.

I mean honestly - these events are about as inventive as 'go mow the lawn'. Now do it again. 20 times. See Ice Dungeon. See Deceit. Etc.
Theo, this was 1997 or so. What we take for granted as a thought process today was not how things happened 20+ years ago. While I agree that a later arc could have done something to revive British, it didn't happen and there's nothing we can do now.

At least then and for several years after, the Dev team members did participate on prodo shards and not just Test. They listened here on Stratics and another UO-related board (can't remember the name) and moved pretty quick when a bug in a recent publish was noted.

Too bad the current crew hasn't a real clue ... nor the support ability.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I knew about Rainz and his actions (from some who were there) but not the other stuff. Interesting.

Theo, this was 1997 or so. What we take for granted as a thought process today was not how things happened 20+ years ago. While I agree that a later arc could have done something to revive British, it didn't happen and there's nothing we can do now.

At least then and for several years after, the Dev team members did participate on prodo shards and not just Test. They listened here on Stratics and another UO-related board (can't remember the name) and moved pretty quick when a bug in a recent publish was noted.

Too bad the current crew hasn't a real clue ... nor the support ability.
Not sure as to their ability as I get the feeling the spaghetti of UO is out of control ... However I just don't think the current team gives much more of a hoot about the game than just caring about getting paid... Feels to me like they just do the barest minimum to keep the lights on and that's it. Kyronix has wild idea's that just don't seem to jive with the players ... it's so grindy and such... None of them actually write up much of the content that comes from EMs... from what I can tell... and I don't think any of them care about the basis on which the game was founded... I rather doubt any of them know anything about the previous Ultima games... outside of Kyronix once again... I wish they would interact more but not listen to the crazy crowds that they listen to... like the ones running their forums... But it is what it is...

Seems they want to ignore every one and just do what they are going to do...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Theo, this was 1997 or so. What we take for granted as a thought process today was not how things happened 20+ years ago. While I agree that a later arc could have done something to revive British, it didn't happen and there's nothing we can do now.

At least then and for several years after, the Dev team members did participate on prodo shards and not just Test. They listened here on Stratics and another UO-related board (can't remember the name) and moved pretty quick when a bug in a recent publish was noted.

Too bad the current crew hasn't a real clue ... nor the support ability.
Although I played in 97 I was barely a teen so I didn't get into the story line, UO was more like Diablo was (to me) where you go kill stuff to "level up".

You have a good point though, I'm not sure why Lord British just wouldn't become a ghost like everyone else did and just run to Britain healer 90 seconds a way, re-gear, and then him and Blackthorn could have ganked Rainz... that would be in true UO fashion. Then talk smack in Gen Chat about how Rainz got pwned... :devil:

DSC Napa

Stratics Veteran
Seems like it was poorly handled. They could have taken a few other paths here. Like a community event to obtain a rare ingredient to bring LB back to life. The kingdom could have placed economic sanctions on the person who committed the crime. Something like everything in game costing 2x as much for him. Or making him drop his items in his pack every 10 minutes or something else.

Could have had a court system where a trial was run with people attending and presenting evidence and then subjecting him to prison with an event for reds to break him free after a week.

Etc. There is just so much lost where the devs could interact with the player base with events all along.

Instead our events are - here is a massive hoard of mobs. Please kill them all for hours on end with the hopes of a drop or points for an item.

I mean honestly - these events are about as inventive as 'go mow the lawn'. Now do it again. 20 times. See Ice Dungeon. See Deceit. Etc.

This was the last day of beta, everyone was more worried about making sure the shards could go live with a 1.0 release