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Frenzied Whirlwind....


Stratics Veteran
has anyone added this to a Cu Sidhe? was thinking of this for spawns and I tend to fight mobs with him in dungeons... thunts.. etc.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I did. I thought it would be good in the blackthorn mage room. I wasn't impressed.


Stratics Veteran
Some one in my guild is using a build with goo and frez whirl, and followed it up with chiv.. the enemy of one empowered whirls are insane burst.. but you need a 4.2 or better cu to pull this spec off as it cost a lot of points... =^-^=


Stratics Veteran
There are a great many special moves across the boards .. armor ignore is super strong and effective against nearly all mobs.. on 120ed out pets you will see if doing damge in the 134-160 range.. if the pet is all 120 and chiv more into the 250-290 range.. Frez whirl is also a strong single target move as well as aoe ....once ya get ninja skill to 120 ( you get passive ninja skill training it) You will see a nice stream of damage.. depending on your pet and build you use on it and the build of your tamer.. I would say armor ignore is one of the best single target moves that plays off of skills and debuffs the best... while there are countless that just depend on the type of pet and the skills that play off them that make them the best for that type of pet... sooo many sexy combos out there... sadly I stopped posting most of the betters ones ,as often talking them up to much on these forums turns into a road map to them nerfing said combos... lol.. Hope this helps my friend.. ya have a good morning...=^-^=


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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I found AI uses a LOT of mana quickly... but maybe that's me...

Haven't really worked with Frez WW or any of those... but Chivy/AI is nice... when your pet keeps mana...

Nightmare of GL

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I get all of the other abbreviations but what is Goo? I'm a returning player so this is all new to me.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have been playing around with a Dimetrosaur.. am really liking their area poison effect. Especially on side 1-3 of Champs. That combined with Essence of wind makes short time of those levels. The only problem with it I have seen is the area it impacts seems random. Sometimes it is a very large area and others it seems to be confined for some reason.