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Freezing in the Abyss



I searched a bit, but didn't find what I was looking for so...

Using EC, fighting Stygian Dragon / Slasher (haven't tried Medusa or Navery yet) my clients lags hella bad and eventually either freezes of crashes to the desktop. 3D client is fine. I'd like to use the Enhanced client because I'm an ex-WoW player and a fan of hotbars :lol:

Never seen this kind of behaviour from my computer before...whats going on? My system is stable and strong enough to run WoW (obviously), Oblivion, Dragon Age 2, etc...but not the EC during Abyss fights. Odd.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Slasher would do this mega flash and would cause me to freeze too. Even get a black screen but the sound works, and I would see certain outlines. Looks quite funny... like i'm blacking out.
A buddy would get the same thing. But he said that with the recent speed tweak, it's no longer a problem.


How recent is the recent speed tweek? Was just fighting Slasher...three? nights ago and I actually switched clients in the middle of the fight.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Messana posted about the movement speed tweak here:

Test center got it first, then afterwards, we got the prodo shard publish. I'm assuming it went in with publish 65.
As I said, my buddy doesn't get the crash/lagg/blackouts anymore. I'm assuming that this movement speed tweak fixed it, or, I might be wrong and it was a general Slasher fix.
I have not gone to Slasher myself since these publishes to see if I still get the massive lag.

I have never lagged at Medusa & Navrey and I have gone to both since publish and the girls are smooth as honey still.