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[Discussion] Free Stuff...



I have a bunch of stuff that I am going to simply unlock in my houses.. Bags of old jewels with multiple gems, old slayer bows, some invasion armor, and more. I am planning on doing this one night next week. I am thinking next wednesday night at 8 PM est. Its on Atlantic. The stuff is old school, and im really not interested in keeping them. My keep, castle, and two houses are full and i need the space. I dont need the gold.

I can't really say that they are RARES, or worth much, at least not to me. Some of you might really enjoy it. I will create a chat channel for it, and will post the name of it here. I will be opening a gate to right by Zento Bank around 8 PM.

If there are any active museums that would want this stuff, PM me here. Assia, you already have my ICQ. Museums would have dibs over private collectors.

PACK Horses will be needed. Quite a few actually


Have to reschedule for a couple days. I donated an 18x18 to a friend that needed a house, so had to move the contents into the castle, keep and other 18x18. Right now dont have to space in any house to centralize the free stuff. There is an empty idoc right in front of the castle, i will try to grab that plot, and only put the free stuff in it. It should fall friday. Once that happens, I can bring everyone there. Cause I am sure alot of you would not want to go to my fel house to get the stuff :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hehe in fel it would be more fun... :) not for me cause i will come whit a newbi char... hrhr

Any severbirth for a museum on drach?
since we hav not much left on df. hard to get anything... most is sold off to the big shards like Atl..
