I've been wondering about some of the art, more over animations, I'm thinking it's not as simple as some may think.
Take the goblin alchemist explosion potions - the big flame flash - you just draw that don't you?
drawn with CODE, similar to:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Change params only in this block
namespace {
const int width = 1600;
const int height = 1200;
const int frames = 10000;
const int iters = 10000;
const int skipIters = 10;
double sensitivity = 0.02;
const double minX = -4.0;
const double minY = minX * height / width;
const double maxX = 4.0;
const double maxY = maxX * height / width;
const double minA = acos( 1.6 / 2.0 );
const double maxA = acos( 1.3 / 2.0 );
const double minB = acos( -0.6 / 2.0 );
const double maxB = acos( 1.7 / 2.0 );
const double minC = acos( -1.2 / 2.0 );
const double maxC = acos( 0.5 / 2.0 );
const double minD = acos( 1.6 / 2.0 );
const double maxD = acos( 1.4 / 2.0 );
Good lord man, that's like assembling a mini-application. Is this a big of a pain as it looks?