OK not good on this whole quote deal so I'll just answer back a section at a time.
First off I wasn't there so i don't know about you getting killed or any of that, first i'm hearing about it. However, if you haven't noticed because ur head is too far up ur own a** we don't do spawns. We don't need nor want gold. We only do spawns to get a fight thats it! Therefore if he popped it, he was expecting to get a fight. However maybe he figured it'll be two of ours against maybe 4 or 5. Instead of primetime getting raided by 15!
Second topic is a joke! We've been fighting outnumbered for almost a year and you guys have been together fighting with three ppl for a week! U used to be in WOWZ if you have forgotten which always had mass numbers on its side! I'm not on a high horse over a game pally, I do believe you are! I've never claimed to be great or even good. I'm getting better on a mage but I have fun regardless of living or dieing (something SLIP never understood but thats a different topic). I don't need to be the leettesstt person on the shard OMG im soooo awesome! I have a real life to attend to. Also I do believe that you said ur recruiting all of these ATL ppl so you can shut this shard down blah blah blah. (If ur sooo good u'd be on ATL playin right now cuz its a known fact that, that's the shard with the best pvper's). So ur only fighting outnumbered at the moment cuz you have to. We fight outnumbered cuz we want to, its more fun that way! So don't try to attack me over a game, ur starting to sound more like slip every day.
Finally of course you don't think they have skill cuz you are GOD! More like you have absolutely no real life, so ur constantly playing in a fantasy world. And if you have all this time to play of course you'll be good. I mean give it up man, UO has consumed you! u need to back up and relax, its just a video game. No need to respond AZ i could care less what you have to say. I gave u the benefit of doubt, cuz john and junior said you were actually a cool kid. Ur ego though man, it reminds me of whats his name! Just cuz ur pissed at necro, doesnt mean u should try to call me out on a forum.
We are the only guild with BALLS! had a nice 3v3 yesterday which we put down eloom and bamba and drow ran. Then they came back with 7 and we went in stat. Once out of stat we rushed 9 of them with 3 and put two down before we got put down again. So yea, we're the only ones not afraid of a lil stat loss or to go up against huge numbers!
P.S. I was a lil upset on how we finally had 5 ppl on the other night and raided UHOH in DSP (they only had 3) and they ran out proper, fielding the whole way

. I guess they don't like fighting outnumbered.