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Forgetful Pirates and Beakons! (Hats-hats-hats-hats..and no place to deposit them)


Well it is well after the event, and looks like the Pirates and the Beakon crews and Beakons forgot that the event is over.
I was pirate hunting last night, and I was surprised to see at the end of the hunt that I had 15 hats in my pack!
Is there anywhere to redeem these now that the NPC at the emporium is no longer there?
If not, I would like to do a little "hat-less" hunting of my pirates?:cool:


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Plain hats? I could see them leaving the named ones for deco.


No they are the same reward pirate hats we were getting at the event. Also the named hats from the dread pirate, (one named hat/encounter). They probably forgot to turn off the event pirate hats, but did not forget to turn off the turnin NPC at the emporium.
I wonder if they are thinking the possibility to make this a permanent event for high seas pirate and beakon hunting but with "OTHER" rewards? The seas and void pool were kind of dead before this event. Hard to try to outguess the Devs. I just think they are likely busy with the NL thingy, and did not get a chance to "revert" the high seas reward pirate hats.
Otherwise these hats are 100% worthless now even as trash points. Will that change? Who knows.o.0