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Forged Pardons

Duncan Drake

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Were drop rates changed or am i just unlucky?

Im doing dozens of lv6 and 7 felucca maps but no pardons. Months ago i got a pardon every 5th chest or so.

DreadLord Lestat

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Were drop rates changed or am i just unlucky?

Im doing dozens of lv6 and 7 felucca maps but no pardons. Months ago i got a pardon every 5th chest or so.

I think you were really lucky a few months back, I have never gotten very many. :(

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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I think your previous good luck is being balanced out now. I average about 2 forged pardons for every 10 L6 chests (can't speak about L7 chests because never got High Seas expansion).

Edit: Clarified that forged pardons spawn in all L6 chests; it's the pink scrolls you only find in fel.
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