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EM Event Forge Wars!


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dust off that crafter! Swing that Hammer! Grab a Dexxer friend and come to the first game of Forge Wars!
The Low Down:
  • You will need to be at least GM Blacksmith and Mining.
  • Be friends with two Dexxer's!
  • Dexxer's will enter the ring naked except for weapon of choice and jewelry. You will be allowed Bandages /spell books/potions for healing.
Teams will be 3 people, consisting of the Smith and two Dexxer. You will be put into a enclosed area, and elementals will be brought in. The Dexxer's will have to kill the elementals to gather the ore off of the corpse. After gathering the ore, hand it over to the Smith who will smelt it down. The Smith will then have to craft a suit of armor for ONE of the Dexxer's. The Suit will be platemail. The first to hand over a full suit, moves on to the next round, as we go through the teams. After all the teams have gone through, the 2nd round placers will again go in the ring, The elemental's will go one higher. IE: We start with Earth Ele's, 2nd round starts will Dull copper Ele's. and so on. The Smith must craft the Second Dexxer a suit for this round etc

Full rules will be explained prior to event.

Date: 7/6/13
Time: 8pm PST
Where: Back side of Awards Hall in Malas

Please sign up below or by dropping a book in the mailbox at Awards Hall or in Mailbox by the
Wedding Chapel next to EM Hall.
Please include the name of the Smith you are entering and your two Dexxer friends!
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