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For Trish..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hahaha, what great timing. I made fish last night for dinner and hubby grumbled all the way through the meal.

:heart: LJS

Crazy Fireball

Okay, that does look good.

Trish, i take it your hubby dosnt like fish?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But let me tell you, that was the (3) Chicken Plank (2) Fish Combo also with cole slaw, not pictured. I've ate this exact thing in one sitting before, but I'm not sure if it was the heat yesterday, but I struggled with it! I ended up tossing some of the fries, I just couldn't do it..:bored: To quote Rachel Ray, it was "Yummo!"

Crazy Fireball

But let me tell you, that was the (3) Chicken Plank (2) Fish Combo also with cole slaw, not pictured. I've ate this exact thing in one sitting before, but I'm not sure if it was the heat yesterday, but I struggled with it! I ended up tossing some of the fries, I just couldn't do it..:bored: To quote Rachel Ray, it was "Yummo!"
Rofl , I thought she gave up cooking?

But that sounds like a big Mac at McDonalds.


I can never finish that stuff. Usually when i pick it up grease rolls off it, makes me sick to my stomach.

Little Sadie

Yum! Looks good to me. I admit it, I love food that's bad for you! I miss Long John Silvers. The hush puppies were so good. Since I'm always watching what I eat and practically living at the gym, I would kill for that stuff. Give me greasy fish and chips any day.:thumbsup: