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[Discussion] For Those Who Die Right Before The Boss

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
JINX of Baja: In Vas Mani - Greater Heal
You see: Judge [TPN]
Fluffy McCutenes: Kal Vas Flam - Flame Strike
A reward of chainmail tunic will be delivered to you once you are resurrected.
Roan: An Corp - Resurrection
You see: an energy vortex
You have lost a lot of fame.
You see: Belgarath
Merlin: ty
Gareth: I always i right before the boss does
A reward of Vulcan's Vanguard has been placed in your backpack.

So don't worry you only died..... hehhe
*Apologizes to his computer for all the "Special words" he called it over the years*