There was this huge mass at the center of the universe. It exploded. It expanded outward, the matter from it forming spheres and cooling. The denser ones forming planets, the less dense forming suns. These bodies began to pull upon one another until they took up nice processions.
On one of those planets, some amino acids were struck by lightning, and single cell organisms formed.
Millions of years later, those single cell organisms had evolved into fleshy mammals. These fleshy mammals developed things like electricity, transportation, art, music, and the internet. Oh, and microwave pizzas and iced coffee drinks.
One of these fleshy mammals developed something called a computer. In time, some of these fleshy mammals that dwelt deep within the basements of their parents homes developed games for these computers as a substitute for social interaction and reality.
Eventually, a fleshy mammal created one such game that many other fleshy mammals could play at one time.
A few years later, the fleshy mammals playing that game found themselves in what equates to a basement. There they met Mellisa. She killed Clainin the mage, people were ganked, and there was much pancakeing.
That about does it.