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For those of us who missed everything...


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
...can I get a basic run-down of what happened?

Also, is the spawn I keep hearing about (but can't seem to find) ongoing, or all over? Is there any trick/method to getting to it? Or do I miss out on everything because I was working friday and saturday nights? *sighs*

Sam the Scribe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I posted a lot of pics in the Atlantic forum. The battle continues but there are a lot of folks there now... didnt notice what shard your from but Atlantic seems to have them thinned down a bit...

Safe Travels, Sam


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I'm on Oce. Went to Glow and there's nothing there, just the updated machine and a few lightning bolts


Sam, if you're still playing Oce, it doesnt start for us for about another 6.5 hours

*edits* *seven* and a half hours =P it starts 9pm Japan time, which is I think 11PM east coast Aussie time =) Last night was 10:30pm for me (in South Oz)


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
OK, thanks Teeshy, glad to hear I'll get to catch some of it. I still don't get how we're among the first in the world to see the sun of a new day, but always the last to get UO events *grins*


I took some video of the event. Once I figure out the best way to get it posted somewhere, I'll have it available for those who weren't able to attend.

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend

...can I get a basic run-down of what happened?

Also, is the spawn I keep hearing about (but can't seem to find) ongoing, or all over? Is there any trick/method to getting to it? Or do I miss out on everything because I was working friday and saturday nights? *sighs*

[/ QUOTE ]My take: A lot of death robes. No loot rights. Super Dragons everywhere.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

...can I get a basic run-down of what happened?
There was this huge mass at the center of the universe. It exploded. It expanded outward, the matter from it forming spheres and cooling. The denser ones forming planets, the less dense forming suns. These bodies began to pull upon one another until they took up nice processions.

On one of those planets, some amino acids were struck by lightning, and single cell organisms formed.

Millions of years later, those single cell organisms had evolved into fleshy mammals. These fleshy mammals developed things like electricity, transportation, art, music, and the internet. Oh, and microwave pizzas and iced coffee drinks.

One of these fleshy mammals developed something called a computer. In time, some of these fleshy mammals that dwelt deep within the basements of their parents homes developed games for these computers as a substitute for social interaction and reality.

Eventually, a fleshy mammal created one such game that many other fleshy mammals could play at one time.

A few years later, the fleshy mammals playing that game found themselves in what equates to a basement. There they met Mellisa. She killed Clainin the mage, people were ganked, and there was much pancakeing.

That about does it.

Lord Zephyrus

There was this huge mass at the center of the universe. It exploded. It expanded outward, the matter from it forming spheres and cooling. The denser ones forming planets, the less dense forming suns. These bodies began to pull upon one another until they took up nice processions.

On one of those planets, some amino acids were struck by lightning, and single cell organisms formed.

Millions of years later, those single cell organisms had evolved into fleshy mammals. These fleshy mammals developed things like electricity, transportation, art, music, and the internet. Oh, and microwave pizzas and iced coffee drinks.

One of these fleshy mammals developed something called a computer. In time, some of these fleshy mammals that dwelt deep within the basements of their parents homes developed games for these computers as a substitute for social interaction and reality.

Eventually, a fleshy mammal created one such game that many other fleshy mammals could play at one time.

A few years later, the fleshy mammals playing that game found themselves in what equates to a basement. There they met Mellisa. She killed Clainin the mage, people were ganked, and there was much pancakeing.

That about does it.
Ultima Online 9th anniversary box: $19.99
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Reading Post like this on stratics:priceless
There are some things money cant buy...For every thing else there is Morgana.

[That was truely a priceless post morgana]


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"... And then the Arabs came, and they bought Mercedes Benzes....."


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Whoops...the thread necromancy registered somewhere at the back of my mind when I posted the first comment, and for some reason, when I re-read the thread I'd totally forgotten about it...


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Showed at base, milled about for while, took obsydian daggers, Mellissa shows, is like yall my dogs, lets go mess up some shhhh, gates us to trinny paladin hutch, we kill some pallys, find clanin, mess him up till redlined, melissa comes in wtf pwns him, then tells us to get ta steppin cause shes gonna case a life oblitrating spell (sorta preemptive res kill ya hear?) does a magincia demon style explosion, which creates some rubble and turns Clanin's body to bones. She cackles, says good work fellows, and skeedaddles.
The end.