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For the philosophers


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a problem I do not understand.
I have 11 yrs of maxed chars on 2 shards who do not utilize their talents except in the crafting and shopping!

I have played WOW, DAOC, Asherons Call. Anarchy Online, and had no compunctions about the fighting and grouping and, hating leveling games, and that healers do not get xp for healing, just fighting , always leave them in the dust for UO.

But I just cannot get it together to do these things in UO! I know it would be much more fun, but cant do it!!!!
I used to when the game was new and loved my tank-mage, but over the years retreated to this limited play perhaps reflecting my old age.


I have a problem I do not understand.
I have 11 yrs of maxed chars on 2 shards who do not utilize their talents except in the crafting and shopping!

I have played WOW, DAOC, Asherons Call. Anarchy Online, and had no compunctions about the fighting and grouping and, hating leveling games, and that healers do not get xp for healing, just fighting , always leave them in the dust for UO.

But I just cannot get it together to do these things in UO! I know it would be much more fun, but cant do it!!!!
I used to when the game was new and loved my tank-mage, but over the years retreated to this limited play perhaps reflecting my old age.
You grew up got a job, now just want a little relaxing enjoyment from the game, rather than trying to compete with the childish l33t?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are becoming jaded with the game as you do not have a goal anymore :) You have your maxed out skills, completed suits of armour, a house(s) etc.

Might I recommend:
1) Helping newbies in Haven, coach them and train them, until they can take care of themselves
2) Being a newbie yourself (create/train new chars on shards you have never played)
3) Travel the shards, not just Siege


Forgive my propaganda.. but Siege is unlike any of the other shards aside from Mugen. If you are tired of the usual, try us out.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Part of the problem is that you can do everything - and everything you can do, everyone else can do too. The game is supposed to be multi-player, but you don't need the services of other players, and likewise no one needs anything from you.

The only real challenges are therefore the ones you set for yourself, as no one else cares whether you reach your goals. With each goal you come closer to realising that what you're playing is something like a fancy version of Solitare. A single player game with no plot which just so happens to have a chat system built into it.

The exceptions are the new players. They're actually fun to hang out with, because they can't do everything yet and actually appreciate any help you give them.

Everything's new to them, and they actually get that small adrenalyne kick when a deamon starts running after them that we've all long forgotten (Even if we're not capable of killing the thing within a few seconds, we know a healer is never far away. It's hard to get excited when even the most "dangerous" monsters can only cost us a couple of minute's income and perhaps our bandages. The newbies don't yet realise this is the case).

It's also a real challenge to take them into a danger zone and bring them back unscathed. But the main thing is that their enthusiasm is infectous (for as long as it lasts, anyway).


Bomb Bloke, you don't play Siege.. there is an adrenaline rush everytime you die because you never know who was stalking you to loot your corpse. I am just saying.. without insurance, the end-game on Siege takes much much longer.

And unless you're willing to pay an extra $9.99 a month, you only have one character. Part of Siege's community is the need of tailors/smiths/miners/fishermen.. we have many people who run dedicated crafters. Every person is unique (of course unless they have an extra $100 to spend a month to have every template).


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bomb Bloke, you don't play Siege.. there is an adrenaline rush everytime you die because you never know who was stalking you to loot your corpse. I am just saying.. without insurance, the end-game on Siege takes much much longer.

And unless you're willing to pay an extra $9.99 a month, you only have one character. Part of Siege's community is the need of tailors/smiths/miners/fishermen.. we have many people who run dedicated crafters. Every person is unique (of course unless they have an extra $100 to spend a month to have every template).
Or just get a ton of soulstones (esp full ones)! Siege is definitely a new set of experience, that's worth giving a try too.

Though I totally agree with what Bomb Bloke says. On setting new goals, coaching newbies until they are good enough to stand up against bosses, and esp the enthusiasm rubbing off on ya!


Or just get a ton of soulstones (esp full ones)! Siege is definitely a new set of experience, that's worth giving a try too.

Though I totalling agree with what Bomb Bloke says. On setting new goals, coaching newbies until they are good enough to stand up against bosses, and esp the enthusiasm rubbing off on ya!
Thank you for not bashing Siege.. even if some shards are different, we all want people to enjoy UO and stick around.

PS: You can help newbies on Siege too, or even adventure with them. ;)


oh for crying out loud........

Siege is the most boring of ALL the shards.:D
Thanks for the Troll.. while I may be promoting Siege, I only want the OP to stick around. Seeing as how he is bored with his current shards, and maybe prodo in general.. he may like Siege.

And please cite your evidence before you troll.. how long you have played there, experiences, etc.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
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Stratics Legend
Not sure what shard you are on , but if its Atlantic, feel free to stop by sometime...

I bet i can keep you entertained the next 3 years straight ;)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you're on Europa, come on over to Saor - you can catch the new ones and help us sort them out :)

My ingame time is woefully short atm due to tourist season. We make money, but spend the summer running round like blue arsed flies :( so we could use a hand or two from a vet!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Folks,

Tuferon, you need only to draw upon your intellect, creativity, and social skills. Britannia is a virtual world, rather than "just a game." It has no set limits or end goals. Found a Guild. Dedicate it to something...perhaps the Bow ala the Society of Archers. Or one, or all, of the Virtues. Or a specific skill or group of skills.

Open an Inn or a Tavern. Form a company of Thespians. Start from scratch on a new shard (any except Siege or Mugen).

You may just need to step outside your own "box" and play awhile in a new one. UO offers nearly infinite possibilities.

Play On Friend!

Elladan of Baja


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
It also may be because UO unlike other games also offers everyone to play whatever they want to play or to become or NOT to do those things. Therefore if you are happy with crafters templates maybe you are more in the creative mode of ye life instead of monster bashing endlessly or pvping.

*course if ya never DID those you may want to try it out some*

For myself I had that been there done it all mentality in UO. I was always making my chrs. TO fight TO defend themselves, to more or less play the *good guys* of justice killing the killers even back when we could collect heads for pay :) kill a notorious red killer get bounty I was into all that...then I was in factions, then monster bashings and so on so forth felt I had done it all ........except...........pure defenseless crafter templates never made any purely defenseless crafter templates nope HAD to be felt I had to be able to KILL whomever was trying to kill my chrs. win some loose some but I was always the FIGHTER.

Bout 2004, I felt more creative than everything else I had done in UO for YEARS.....wanted something different *but* kinda more like the UO I had known so yeh......weirdly made defenseless crafter templates on SIEGE. I liked it.

UO does not mean we HAVE TO fight doom bosses or other monsters if we don't really feel we are into in any more *or ever* if you never were into it in UO no biggie...maybe ya never will be, same for pvp. *course if ya never tried any of that may want to try it, but if not UO permits one to even just fish for white pearls or own a tavern hosting player run events or TEA PARTIES. lol or yes just to craft.. serve the community that way or whatever way ya want to.

Another thing you can do with some chr. is just make one a *disposable* I have some they are the ones I label *walking deadmen*...they are the first to enter any new invasion to tour the hell develop team members put on us with new invasions......they tour DEAD ...go all over comically seeing what is new out there TO kill us, so that my other chrs. then know what is going ON out there that just got introduced in some story line invasion etc.

One can use those deadmen walking to explore any dungeon you have not visited in ages, dead or alive you are all over UO doing SOMETHING silly as it sounds and it often gives you some new calling in life sort of like some retreat of a dead hermit touring...it can give you some ideas maybe what type of chrs. TO make to work upon in the present for the future.

One can also make some chr. that you tell yourself until I GM or better this chrs. template I am not DONE yet with UO...ie your 'excuse' chr. to stay in UO a bit longer. I did that with a TAMER......... lol I can not leave UO per say till I get her to finally gain respect from her unicorn that's been sitting in the stables since ...publish 16 I am sooo not the tamer...but SHE remains my one Chesapeake chr. that is UNDONE thus my (excuse chr.) so EA gets my money till she IS a done template my last uo never achieved it yet challenge, to keep me in UO, can not exit till she is done training her taming and me unicorn respects me.... as it's owner and tamer. lol


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you all for your wonderful and serious responses. Some of them I do, as helping REAL newbies, but find discerning who is just trying to get free stuff can be annoying but I contninue to go to Haven to find someone...but it is always deserted.
I have a disposable char I love, you are right. I also made a char without any magical abilities as a challenge and I love her too.
Thank you all. I am on Napa and when I got this bored the last time made some toons on Pacific. Now I have THINGS and HOUSES on both shards.
Making a helpless crafter on Siege sounds interesting. I may do that.
Again, thank you all for your sincere help and ideas.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You grew up got a job, now just want a little relaxing enjoyment from the game, rather than trying to compete with the childish l33t?
Sweetheart I was grown up when I started, I am older than you thought as it was my son who got me into this game. While it is true I tire of the raging hormones of the kids and do want to relax, I enjoy gaming casue I don't need to use my cane! J/K

Thank tho


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ha ! My son also got me UO back in the day. He was my first UO mentor taught me how to use a mouse, a computer which he bought for me and taught me how to play UO which he also bought for me, and to outfox some pks in game. We had such fun back then just hanging out together in old original UO, and hanging out in the then, new lost lands. :)
Ah memories. ;)