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[Discussion] for buying and selling my @$$!

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Babbling Loonie
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while talking with the owner of some items... I was told it was made clear to me... It was not- so i wanted to clarify...

feel free to read the locked thread here...

Here is my follow up - since i was in the middle of typing (to get clarity) - and the thread was locked...
i would need 200mil for all 5 of those.
- Offer processed and a price point given
As long as that "a orc helm" is the one i need - Sold
- Sold based on the type of one item - all other items - considered sold
Ohh nah its not the orc helm that you need sorry.
- ok, not the helm i needed - understood
what is your price point for 4 items then - minus the orc helm?
- looking for new price based on the loss of one of those items (not being what i needed)

a few hours later...
Scott I am starting to get higher offers for the items. I declined 50mil for tricorne hat tonight. I am just going to hold on to my pieces until I get higher offers. I regret selling a few of the items for the prices that I sold them for :( I would give Bluntman a full refund right now if he would let me lol.
- instead of getting a price quote on the 4 items - i get you are no longer selling items...understandable - hard to let go of a collection

BUT... i see this 18 hours after you told me (above) that you are not selling and looking to buy back items...
Thanks DB! The tricorn will sit proudly in my pirate room on Chesapeake!
Not only did you sell an item - you sold one of the items i was in agreement with paying for... @4gregu has nothing to do with that (congrats btw on the ownership of that tricorn - it will go great in your collection!)

And to put the icing on the cake - you say you have no idea what I'm talking about...
I made it clear in this post Scott so I have no idea what you are talking about.

Please tell me where I lack clarity?

since i couldn't post in the thread because it was locked while typing... i will send to you


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Not trying to get in the middle of this drama, but I had ICQ'd Double Blessed Saturday morning and made an offer on the tricorn hat, he countered later that day but I had real life commitments that kept me away until today. We chatted and reached an agreeable price.

Just wanted to share my side of the story.
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