wth? okay, so he dp/special and then run on GL, and prolly farms Lady Mel on Atlantic, good to know. lol, just jokin' with ya know Kahlan. I digress, BlackBetty...I was unaware that stratics conversations weren't allowed to move down different paths. That being said, here is my attempt to get back on to topic and save the drama for you:
That was a kickazz video; the older kids may have taunted the child somewhat, but their overall goal of trying to get this kid away from his 'addiction' kinda levels the playing field. If I were the parents I would:
1) Put myself into an institution and not allow myself contact with my own children; it would be obvious to me that I've screwed up behind all comprehension.
2) If I didn't do 1, then I would punish the older kids slightly for their extremism and for taunting so much. Then I would tell them sometimes the goal is good (which it was, and I'd give them a cookie for that) but the means are not.
3) I would submit the little brat to psychological studying; it's obvious he not only has anger issues and is completely addicted to myspace...he also hasn't had any help correcting this issue. Oh, and I'd slap the crap out of him for using so many cuss words. Right or wrong, that works trust me lol.
Look, I stayed on topic for *counts lines* that long! lol, and by now it's probably obvious that my parenting techniques are different than yours...oh well. Later.