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For all those Japanese Anime geeks out here...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ran across something very interesting. Anyone remember the tv show/anime series called Star Blazers? Well if you do you might be interrested to know that the person that did the voice for Orion Sr. was none other than Chef Gordon Ramsay but way way before he was a chef. More like in 1979 when Star Blazers first aired Mr. Ramsay was about 13 or 14 years old.




Seen it. Pretty cool animation. I can bug out to it for a while, then its all... way too complicated and long. Its like the anime version of the hunt for red october. No matter how cool and interesting it is, you'll never make it to the end without falling asleep.
Side note tho, they made these big electronic models of that star ship thingy that you could move all the gun turrets electronically and stuff. it was pretty sweet looking and everything, but I saw one go on ebay for like 2k.