Administratum Officialus
The Settlement of Tel'Ruin has henceforth been approved by the high Dragoni Church, from this day the settlement shall be organised and officated over by a civilian govenment, advised by the Church.
By Order Tel'Ruin shall appoint the following positions from within the citizenship:
Praetor - N/A
(Civilian Head of State, to goven the settlement and to liase with the Emissary on matters as and when required.)
Magistrate - N/A
(Judge & jury, to ensure justice is upheld and punishment fitting for the crimes)
Watch Commander - N/A
(. to protect the ideals of law, order and justice within Tel'Ruin)
Flamen - N/A
(High Priest, to advise the Civil Govenment and Commander of the Templari)
Guild Senator - N/A
(Home Minister, to assist the Praetor with govening the settlement & to minister the Guilds)
It should be noted that the Emissary is the Gods voice while she is within this land. Her words are to be taken as words of the gods, as such those whom mock or disobey are to be treated as heretics.
We have several different sub-groups within the guild, these are detailed here:
Dragoni Church
The Religious Leaders of Tel'Ruin, residing within the church and caring for the spiritual welfare of the settlement
(Colors: Base - Black, Robe - Purple
Dragoni Templars
The Warriors of Gods, these are the military might of the settlement and the last thing heretics ever see...
(Colours: Base - Black, Kilt/Robe/Cloak - Purple, Sash - Deep Red, Closed Helm)
Praetor, Magistrate and Guild Senator come under this banner as do the Clerks of the Settlement
(Colours: Base - Black, Sash/Cap - Deep Red)
Town Watch
The Law of the land is guarded and upheald by these men in black and red.
(Colours: Base - Black, Kilt/Doublet - Deep Red)
Customs Office
The Settlement has an established mail & sorting office. The Customs & Post Office of Tel'ruin govens the inports, exports & delivery of mail
(Colours: Trousers/Jacket/Cap - Dark Blue, Shirt - White, Sash - Deep Red)
The Blue Goblin Inn
Need a drink? Then visit Tel'Ruin's own Blue Goblin Inn. Just becareful of the barfights.
(Colours: Shirt - White, Apron - Blue)
Crafters Guild
Only Crafters within the Crafters Guild can sell thier wares on the streets of Tel'Ruin.
(Colours: Sash - Deep Red)
Thieves Guild
The underworld begins with the Thieves Guild. Not exactly accepted by the Govenment but more ignored for they have thier uses.
(Colours: N/A)
Seamstress Guild
Many a cold night a warrior seeks the warmth of the female form. Only those within the Seamstress Guild is permitted to offer thier bodies for gold.
(Colours: N/A
Town folk
The ruck and rabble of the Town, anyone not within the other sub-groups are in here!
(Colors: N/A)
Those whom break the law are hunted and punished. Those whom are yet to be caught or have a record longer than your arm are the villians in Tel'ruin
Colors: N/A)
It is accepted that the full Dragoni Law is not viable currently thus While within this land, the secular Dragoni Law is as follows:
Codex of Holy Law
General Laws
- The Dragoni Emissary shall be referred to as 'Mistress' or 'Emissary'
- The Praetor of Tel'Ruin shall be addressed as "Sir" at all times.
- All Folk bow when greeting the Emissary.
- Templars and Officals always wear thier colours with pride.
- Templars & Town Watch are to salute superiors, and properly address them.
- Templars must equip thier Dress weapon while on home soil.
- Town Watch are forbidden to drink while on duty.
- Tithes are to be paid yearly
Ethics Laws
- Folk should treat Templars & Officals with decency and respect. Failure will result in punishment depending on the level of disrespect shown.
- Folk should be wary that an assault on Priests & Officals is punishable by either being sent to the workshops or, in some cases, death.
- Wytchcraft is not tolerated and wytches shall be dealt with by the Church.
- All members of the Crafter's, Thieves & Seamstress's Guilds are to be registered with the applicable Guild Leader.
- Any attack made upon the Emissary is considered Heresy in its highest form and is punishable by death without trial.
- Theft is punishable by a severe fine.
- The covering of heads by men, wearing cloaks by women or anyone weilding arms within the Temple (Except Templars) is punishable by a public flogging.
- Public disagreement of the ethics, laws, faith or Emissary is punishable as heresy towards the faith.
Home Soil Laws
Offensive Language - 100 Gold
Offensive Language to a Priest - 150 Gold
Being Naked in public - 200 Gold
Very Offensive Language - 250 Gold
Theft/Mugging - 500 Gold
Bearing Arms - 500 Gold
Disturbing The Peace - 500 Gold
Bribing An Offical - 1000 Gold
Heresy towards the Emissary - Trial & Execution
Heresy Laws
Cursing The Temple or the Holy Family - 1000 Gold
Cursing an Official - 1000 Gold
Assault Upon Temple Priest - 1000 Gold & Jail 20 mins
Use of forbidden magiks - Public Flogging
Assault Upon an Official - Jail & Temple Trial
Act Of Heresy towards the faith - Jail & Temple Trial
Wytchcraft - Temple Trial
Law of Sanctuary
Any soul can seek sanctuary as long as they are not from a forbidden kin.
Any soul seeking sanctuary must have thier sins forgiven by the act of dedication.
Any soul seeking sanctuary must serve the church for a period of not less than one year per sin forgiven.
Any failure to adhere to the law of Sanctuary will result in the execution of the failee
Upon the completion of thier dedication, the soul is free to leave and lead a wholesome life.
Boundry Laws
Town Watch & Templari are permitted to uphold the Dragoni law upon the home soil of Tel'Ruin.
Home soil of the Dragoni relates to all buildings and visual range of the front steps and 8 squares around each Tel'Ruin Building.
Templars & the Town Watch will invoke the right of persuit if a crime is committed upon home soil and shall chase the criminal over others lands.
The Following races are forbidden from entering Tel'Ruin's home soils: Orcs, Undead or beastmen. Those that trespass shall be executed without warning.
OOC Stuff:
Folk of Tel'ruin [FoTR] is a RP guild whose origins are from the Europa Shard. While our rules are not as strict as CoRE on Europa we do still have a set series of guidlines which can be found below:
Code of Conduct
- Stay in character whenever role-playing or in a role play area. Keep OOC talk to party/guildchat.
- Guild tags must be visible at all times.
- No OOC profanity or insulting of other players.
- If there is any complaint, grievance, or other issue with a player then speak to a senior member of [FoTR].
- Only steal from YELLOW bags or a max of 500 gold/Bandies. Other exceptions apply when the item is a IC Quest item. Such items are normally named.
- Senior Members of the Guild have the option to boot anyone within the guild for not following these guidelines or in the majority view are causing grief to other players. We are a friendly guild whom wishes to expand the community, not destroy it.
Rules of Engagement – PVP specific rules
- If knocked unconscious or killed, do not continue to fight or otherwise take part in any ongoing battles (eg healing others) for 10 minutes, during which time a deathrobe must be worn.* RPing injured (walking and talking) is permitted.
- Do not force players to PvP, always give alternative options (running away, being taken prisoner, etc). In all cases, ensure players are not AFK or disconnected before attacking.
If you wish to join the Guild then we will welcome you with open arms! However that being said and as noted above we are community minded. We will often run various community events (House Drops, Auctions etc) and becuase of this we sometimes ask for some help. This could be as liitle as a couple of items or up to helping organise and promote our events. If this is for you then please by all means speak to a member of the Guild whom will point you towards a senior member. All you need to join is have a character with a sensible name (A character called LEETzor isnt acceptable lol) have a small write up about your character and have an idea what direction you'ld like your character to go. If you have never RP'd before (Roleplayed) thats fine also! We will encourage you to learn and help you in anyway we can!
So, what you waiting for?
The Settlement of Tel'Ruin has henceforth been approved by the high Dragoni Church, from this day the settlement shall be organised and officated over by a civilian govenment, advised by the Church.
By Order Tel'Ruin shall appoint the following positions from within the citizenship:
Praetor - N/A
(Civilian Head of State, to goven the settlement and to liase with the Emissary on matters as and when required.)
Magistrate - N/A
(Judge & jury, to ensure justice is upheld and punishment fitting for the crimes)
Watch Commander - N/A
(. to protect the ideals of law, order and justice within Tel'Ruin)
Flamen - N/A
(High Priest, to advise the Civil Govenment and Commander of the Templari)
Guild Senator - N/A
(Home Minister, to assist the Praetor with govening the settlement & to minister the Guilds)
It should be noted that the Emissary is the Gods voice while she is within this land. Her words are to be taken as words of the gods, as such those whom mock or disobey are to be treated as heretics.
We have several different sub-groups within the guild, these are detailed here:
Dragoni Church
The Religious Leaders of Tel'Ruin, residing within the church and caring for the spiritual welfare of the settlement
(Colors: Base - Black, Robe - Purple
Dragoni Templars
The Warriors of Gods, these are the military might of the settlement and the last thing heretics ever see...
(Colours: Base - Black, Kilt/Robe/Cloak - Purple, Sash - Deep Red, Closed Helm)
Praetor, Magistrate and Guild Senator come under this banner as do the Clerks of the Settlement
(Colours: Base - Black, Sash/Cap - Deep Red)
Town Watch
The Law of the land is guarded and upheald by these men in black and red.
(Colours: Base - Black, Kilt/Doublet - Deep Red)
Customs Office
The Settlement has an established mail & sorting office. The Customs & Post Office of Tel'ruin govens the inports, exports & delivery of mail
(Colours: Trousers/Jacket/Cap - Dark Blue, Shirt - White, Sash - Deep Red)
The Blue Goblin Inn
Need a drink? Then visit Tel'Ruin's own Blue Goblin Inn. Just becareful of the barfights.
(Colours: Shirt - White, Apron - Blue)
Crafters Guild
Only Crafters within the Crafters Guild can sell thier wares on the streets of Tel'Ruin.
(Colours: Sash - Deep Red)
Thieves Guild
The underworld begins with the Thieves Guild. Not exactly accepted by the Govenment but more ignored for they have thier uses.
(Colours: N/A)
Seamstress Guild
Many a cold night a warrior seeks the warmth of the female form. Only those within the Seamstress Guild is permitted to offer thier bodies for gold.
(Colours: N/A
Town folk
The ruck and rabble of the Town, anyone not within the other sub-groups are in here!
(Colors: N/A)
Those whom break the law are hunted and punished. Those whom are yet to be caught or have a record longer than your arm are the villians in Tel'ruin
Colors: N/A)
It is accepted that the full Dragoni Law is not viable currently thus While within this land, the secular Dragoni Law is as follows:
Codex of Holy Law
General Laws
- The Dragoni Emissary shall be referred to as 'Mistress' or 'Emissary'
- The Praetor of Tel'Ruin shall be addressed as "Sir" at all times.
- All Folk bow when greeting the Emissary.
- Templars and Officals always wear thier colours with pride.
- Templars & Town Watch are to salute superiors, and properly address them.
- Templars must equip thier Dress weapon while on home soil.
- Town Watch are forbidden to drink while on duty.
- Tithes are to be paid yearly
Ethics Laws
- Folk should treat Templars & Officals with decency and respect. Failure will result in punishment depending on the level of disrespect shown.
- Folk should be wary that an assault on Priests & Officals is punishable by either being sent to the workshops or, in some cases, death.
- Wytchcraft is not tolerated and wytches shall be dealt with by the Church.
- All members of the Crafter's, Thieves & Seamstress's Guilds are to be registered with the applicable Guild Leader.
- Any attack made upon the Emissary is considered Heresy in its highest form and is punishable by death without trial.
- Theft is punishable by a severe fine.
- The covering of heads by men, wearing cloaks by women or anyone weilding arms within the Temple (Except Templars) is punishable by a public flogging.
- Public disagreement of the ethics, laws, faith or Emissary is punishable as heresy towards the faith.
Home Soil Laws
Offensive Language - 100 Gold
Offensive Language to a Priest - 150 Gold
Being Naked in public - 200 Gold
Very Offensive Language - 250 Gold
Theft/Mugging - 500 Gold
Bearing Arms - 500 Gold
Disturbing The Peace - 500 Gold
Bribing An Offical - 1000 Gold
Heresy towards the Emissary - Trial & Execution
Heresy Laws
Cursing The Temple or the Holy Family - 1000 Gold
Cursing an Official - 1000 Gold
Assault Upon Temple Priest - 1000 Gold & Jail 20 mins
Use of forbidden magiks - Public Flogging
Assault Upon an Official - Jail & Temple Trial
Act Of Heresy towards the faith - Jail & Temple Trial
Wytchcraft - Temple Trial
Law of Sanctuary
Any soul can seek sanctuary as long as they are not from a forbidden kin.
Any soul seeking sanctuary must have thier sins forgiven by the act of dedication.
Any soul seeking sanctuary must serve the church for a period of not less than one year per sin forgiven.
Any failure to adhere to the law of Sanctuary will result in the execution of the failee
Upon the completion of thier dedication, the soul is free to leave and lead a wholesome life.
Boundry Laws
Town Watch & Templari are permitted to uphold the Dragoni law upon the home soil of Tel'Ruin.
Home soil of the Dragoni relates to all buildings and visual range of the front steps and 8 squares around each Tel'Ruin Building.
Templars & the Town Watch will invoke the right of persuit if a crime is committed upon home soil and shall chase the criminal over others lands.
The Following races are forbidden from entering Tel'Ruin's home soils: Orcs, Undead or beastmen. Those that trespass shall be executed without warning.
OOC Stuff:
Folk of Tel'ruin [FoTR] is a RP guild whose origins are from the Europa Shard. While our rules are not as strict as CoRE on Europa we do still have a set series of guidlines which can be found below:
Code of Conduct
- Stay in character whenever role-playing or in a role play area. Keep OOC talk to party/guildchat.
- Guild tags must be visible at all times.
- No OOC profanity or insulting of other players.
- If there is any complaint, grievance, or other issue with a player then speak to a senior member of [FoTR].
- Only steal from YELLOW bags or a max of 500 gold/Bandies. Other exceptions apply when the item is a IC Quest item. Such items are normally named.
- Senior Members of the Guild have the option to boot anyone within the guild for not following these guidelines or in the majority view are causing grief to other players. We are a friendly guild whom wishes to expand the community, not destroy it.
Rules of Engagement – PVP specific rules
- If knocked unconscious or killed, do not continue to fight or otherwise take part in any ongoing battles (eg healing others) for 10 minutes, during which time a deathrobe must be worn.* RPing injured (walking and talking) is permitted.
- Do not force players to PvP, always give alternative options (running away, being taken prisoner, etc). In all cases, ensure players are not AFK or disconnected before attacking.
If you wish to join the Guild then we will welcome you with open arms! However that being said and as noted above we are community minded. We will often run various community events (House Drops, Auctions etc) and becuase of this we sometimes ask for some help. This could be as liitle as a couple of items or up to helping organise and promote our events. If this is for you then please by all means speak to a member of the Guild whom will point you towards a senior member. All you need to join is have a character with a sensible name (A character called LEETzor isnt acceptable lol) have a small write up about your character and have an idea what direction you'ld like your character to go. If you have never RP'd before (Roleplayed) thats fine also! We will encourage you to learn and help you in anyway we can!
So, what you waiting for?