It appears you have a vendetta against refinements. I'm sorry you don't find them useful, but others do. They've posted about it here, they've mentioned it in game but you seem to ignore that, which is the "blinder" effect I was talking about in the Virtue thread. One of the most common complaints about refinements is that there ought to be less variety and it should be easier to get your armor up to the max level of over-capped DCI/resists. Refinements were intended to be an "icing on the cake" addition for those who truly wish to min/max and create specialized armor suits in an otherwise massive armor revamp publish. Unleashing the flood gates and making it super easy to get max overcapped resists/DCI does nothing to help our power creep problem. Do I wish refinements were more popular? Sure. Do I think we can probably make some tweaks to make them more appealing? Absolutely. Those improvements, however, are achieved through a respectful exchange of feedback that goes far beyond calling something "grindy/pointless crap."That thread was really depressing. Kyronix is utterly out of touch. He really is over there convincing himself that all this grindy/pointless crap that gets added is somehow worthwhile.
Hey @Kyronix, are you still willing to claim in public that armor refinement was a success? You know, rather than a giant waste of resources that was booed off the forums and ignored by players?