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(Player Event) Flute giveaway


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
24 GM Carpenter/GM Musician made flutes. And one Snake Charmer, for fun, 'cause I never made one. Free to the first person who posts and says they want them.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Sunseri and Eldaern, we keep missing each other. Ping me on ICQ whenever. Bags for both of you.


Stratics Veteran
Tis a pitiful thing that I doth not have a messenger pigeon(ICQ) so that at thy call, I may respond with due haste. I do ask for your greatest pardon upon my calamity, for the medium that I depend upon to enter the wondrous world of Sosaria denies me the simple pleasure that so many others enjoy. Namely, to speak with others across great distances quicker than a mage can utter kal ort por. I do pray, kind madam, that you will see it fit to forbear with me for just a little space and allow a face to face meeting at thy convenience.

Julie Sunseri~ Knight of Minoc


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Tis a pitiful thing that I doth not have a messenger pigeon(ICQ) so that at thy call, I may respond with due haste. I do ask for your greatest pardon upon my calamity, for the medium that I depend upon to enter the wondrous world of Sosaria denies me the simple pleasure that so many others enjoy. Namely, to speak with others across great distances quicker than a mage can utter kal ort por. I do pray, kind madam Sir, that you will see it fit to forbear with me for just a little space and allow a face to face meeting at thy convenience.

Julie Sunseri~ Knight of Minoc
Well met, I am Lord Loren Soth of Dargaard Keep, Knight of The Black Rose, and I am not kind. I am however, honorable. I shall send forth my minion to deliver unto thee, thine Flutes. He will comply, or be killed. And raised. And killed again. Answer me here, and he will appear upstairs at Luna.


Stratics Veteran
Greetings Lord Soth. I must apologize for addressing you incorrectly. Such a mistake will not occur again. I do await the presence of thy servant in the upper rooms of the city of Luna.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Greetings Lord Soth. I must apologize for addressing you incorrectly. Such a mistake will not occur again. I do await the presence of thy servant in the upper rooms of the city of Luna.
Of course. Well met to a fellow Knight. I have not encountered the Order of Minoc. *OOC - Hey Julie. I see the Minoc tag in your signature. What are the PvM/PvE benefits to declaring for a city and where can I find out what they are? I was going to start doing trade quests, and I do not want to anger the wrong city, as I will be turning in to Slim the Fence


Stratics Veteran
Good Sir Knight, you may find the information you seek here: http://stratics.com/threads/trade-deals.345460/
There is one correction that I know of in that list.Governor Inkboy was kind enough to change the trade deal of Minoc to "guild of healers" which helps me greatly in the heat of battle. Timberwolf has given a complete list of available deals that King Blackthorn has made available.