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[Fishing] Fishmongers' Quests : Is it possible some "reverse" estimate ?


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
This is mere curiosity, since I started doing Quests I never took note of their number so, I have no clue how many I have so far done.

Nonetheless, I have kept all baits and special equipment books received and was wondering whether it is possible to make at least a rough estimate of how many quests equal the number of baits' charges I got.

With the other items it is easy since they are 1 item per fishing order but the problem is with the baits since the number of charges may vary.

So far I got :

- Giant Koi Bait 502 charges (# of order ???)
- Great Barracuda Bait 467 charges (# of order ???)
- Holy Mackerel Bait 458 charges (# of order ???)
- Stone Crab Bait 452 charges (# of order ???)
- Yellowtail Barracuda Bait 385 charges (# of order ???)
- Autum Dragonfish Bait 340 charges (# of order ???)
- Fairy Salmon Bait 247 charges (# of order ???)
- Blu Lobster Bait 60 charges (# of order 1)
- Crystal Fish Bait 57 charges (# of order 1)

How many quests you think they could equal to ?

Of the other items, Books, Special equipments ets. I got 32 items in total so if I can figure out roughly what the Baits' charges equal to as number of orders I may come up with a rough idea of how many orders I have done so far.

Anyone has an idea ?

Mandrake of DF

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Id recon that is impossible. I have recieved all from bait with 10 charges up to my biggest at 100 charges - so it would make it hard to tell if u did 1 or 10 quest per 100 charges of bait.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
100 Keep going you have a long way to go for thet 105 PS.

Mandrake of DF

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
100 Keep going you have a long way to go for thet 105 PS.
Im not sure who you refer to - but if it was me, you should reread my post. I said one reward counted 100 charges of bait (that was from a 6 part * 20 fishes), wich should yeld a 120 ps....

Im sure I got enough bait for a lifetime now....


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I said one reward counted 100 charges of bait (that was from a 6 part * 20 fishes), wich should yeld a 120 ps....

At which point you got offered that maxed out order of 6 parts * 20 fish each ?

That is, what skill level were you and was it also dungeon fish ?
How many orders you had done (roughly), before you got offered that one ?

Has it happened again or you just got offered it once ?

By the way, you remember for what fish the 100 charges baits were for ?

Thanks for the info.