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Fishing with the Lieutenant (Saturday Morning)

EM Barnaby

UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So the Commander has seen fit to give me leave the for the weekend, grumbled somethin’ about working extra next week.

It shouldn’ be said that I am one to waste such an opportunity, so I will be startin’ the weekend off right with an early morning fishing trip to New Magincia. I hear the new docks are sturdy and the women who frequent “The Modest Damsel” are anything but!

If this strikes yer interest and you can get outta bed early enough, I will be at the docks outside the Damsel in New Magincia two mornings from now. Who knows, we can get ‘em to hang the winner’s fish on the wall.

If any captains wish to fish from their boats, bring em’ along and I am sure you’ll find others who would join you.

- Lt. Jeffrey, Royal Guard

When: Saturday, April 30th. Fishing starts at 9am EST, and end at 10am.
Where: New Magincia Docks, Trammel​