KA Village and PaxOku are proud to present
The Fishing Hall of Fame Tournament!
Tournament Dates:
Wednesday February 23, 2011 - Wednesday March 9, 2011
Particulars of Tournament:
Grand Prize - 1 Million Gold
Heaviest combined weight of 10 fish. [any type fish are eligible so long as they are dated during the tournament]
Other Prizes: You can enter the contest for largest or smallest fish without entering for the grand prize!
Largest Fish - Trophy Cake
Smallest Fish - Trophy Cake
Fish are to be turned in at the New Fishing Hall of Fame located at 95 33 N 64 24 W [Homare-Jima, Tokuno] - Time will be announced later
The Fishing Hall of Fame Tournament!
Tournament Dates:
Wednesday February 23, 2011 - Wednesday March 9, 2011
Particulars of Tournament:
Grand Prize - 1 Million Gold
Heaviest combined weight of 10 fish. [any type fish are eligible so long as they are dated during the tournament]
Other Prizes: You can enter the contest for largest or smallest fish without entering for the grand prize!
Largest Fish - Trophy Cake
Smallest Fish - Trophy Cake
Fish are to be turned in at the New Fishing Hall of Fame located at 95 33 N 64 24 W [Homare-Jima, Tokuno] - Time will be announced later