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Fishing Contest


For almost 7 years, Zoogi (Former Governor of Magincia) has been in charge of a friendly fish of the month competition. Zoogi has decided to put away the scale and no longer handle everyone's weigh in bags ;) As current Governor of Magincia, I am continuing this monthly competition but adding a fresh take. I am going to run it just like Governor James of Yew's Beast of the Month.

Details:: Each month a fish will be chosen by me on the first of every month. You have one month to wiggle your worm, drop firecrackers in the sea, or pray to the fishing Gods to catch said fish. At the end of the month, I will announce the winners.
Drop off location:: As Governor of Magincia, I am able to utilize the stone for items that are dropped on the Herald standing outside of Magincia's bank. Please drop off all bribes..err fish on the city herald (not the trade minister who has no interest in your fish).
Rules are simple you have from the first till the end of the month to catch chosen fish and largest one wins because let's keep it reel (ha) size matters. I will empty the stone daily and any tie will be chosen by who turned their fish in first. Should I be unable to determine that (both turned in same day etc.) a random draw will be done to determine winner. This new thread will serve as announcement of new fish per month as well as winners of previous months. Prizes must be claimed by the actual name of the angler.
The winner will receive their choice of any non-account bound item(s) from the in-game UO Store valued up to and including 500 Sovereigns! They will also receive a sash declaring they are Magincia's Rodfather or Rodmother because..why not?! And bonus if you are a fine citizen of Magincia you will be given a title of your choosing.
First Runner Up:
Three Million Gold
Second Runner Up:
Two Million Gold
Third Runner Up:
One Million Gold
Good luck and may the fish be with you!!