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Fishing at Twisted Weald

K.W. Li

Stratics Veteran
Anyone has good approach to fish in the Twisted Weald without kill by the aggrestive creatures there? They are almost everyone are boss.

By the way, I have tried to running beside the swampy lake without attack by the creatures, becuase I wa dead at that time.....:(


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't done it yet because of lack of time but I'm planning on creating a fisherman toon to go dungeon fishing.
I was thinking of a template using

With that I should be able to go to dangerous places and stay alive. The point isn't to kill the mobs but to be able to avoid/calm them
The most difficult part is to create a safe place to fish once you're in the dungeon.If I understand what I read in other posts you just find the less crowded place and then lure the mobs away to be able to fish in peace.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I did it last night, just transfered hidding and stealth to fisher.
Unicorn fish are nice, just need the rainbow one now.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
K.W.Li, do please read across these forums, I've caught all the possible fish in the last month and written them up for Stratics ;)
http://Twisted Weld FishingTwisted Weld Fishing

You need to lure the spawn off the south (or North Basara suggests) first. They won't come back unless disturbed; the trick is to be able to Invis or Stealth as required and stay out of the swamp puddles as it will spawn even more hard mobs.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I find it absolutely essential to have hiding and stealth on my fisherman. With this, one can fish almost everywhere. You won't even have to raise the two skills to the maximum as you can finish them off with items quite easily. Every imbuer can make you items which will cover 30 - 50 % stealth and some rare but easily available items will do the same trick. You should raise the stealth cap to 120 though (power scrolls for this are pretty cheap) and go as high as you can to make sure, that no nasties can unstealth you.