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[Fishing] Fisherman's Gripes


Lore Keeper
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Why are there so many boats around the floating emporium? If they are relocating them outside the buoys because they are docked too long, perhaps it's time for them to start relocating them somewhere else...like in the middle of nowhere. There is nothing worst than having to find a spot to squeeze your boat through so you can turn in a quest.

Dolphins are jerks and should be killed as soon as u see them. I have no idea what makes them block my boat so water elementals can gank me but it's not funny and i think it's time for them to learn that. Join the crusade to rid the waters of dolphins. Remember: If they are not a part of the solution, they are a part of the problem.

Is there anything worth being a legendary fisher for? Will it increase my chance to get MiBs? Will it make the items i pull up or the loot in the chests better? Right now, the only reason to raise fishing (from what i can tell) is to catch some rare fish to hang on my wall. I don't even think i have the wall space for em.

Have fishermen been nerfed? I seem to be pulling up way more footwear and failing to catch anything lately. I guess 100 fishing is the new 80 lol.


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All of the boats around the buoys are there so that people can just recall to their boats to get to the docks quickly. No one wants to have to make that trip just for a small errand.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
All of the boats around the buoys are there so that people can just recall to their boats to get to the docks quickly. No one wants to have to make that trip just for a small errand.
I do it all the time. Being a fisherman is all about being on the sea right?

What small errand do you speak of? I still don't understand why the boats have to be just outside of the buoys. In addition to that, there is no space in between most of them and some of them are parked sideways. This leaves people cruising along the sea of boats looking for an opening to turn in a quest.

Which sounds more reasonable:

1. Player A sails all the way from Trinsic to turn in a quest and has to drive around in circles looking for an opening because Player Bs are too lazy to sail 30 seconds to the island.

2. Player B parks his damn boat somewhere else.



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1. Redxpanda: The problem you describe is only an issue on some shards. On others, you're lucky to see 15-20 ships parked around at peak times.

2. The whole reason for existence for the rowboats was to allow people to park outside the buoys and use the rowboats to get to the FE on the high-population shards. Perhaps a few east/west running buoys to provide further travel lanes, and extending the "no parking zone" 3-5 steps past the buoys, will allow better access (with rowboats as a last resort, if the area still ends up too crowded). I was at the High Seas Announcement Town Hall on 30 August 2010 - they seemed to think that rowboats would be a LOT more in use than they actually are.

3. The boats get scattered TOO FAR as it is, when relocated. People routinely lose ships permanently that way, if something funky happens to their runes (not as common as before, but still happens occasionally). I once had to take a rowboat from New Haven to the FE to recover a ship, and it wasn't fun - and that was with the ship sitting right where I parked it.


Lore Keeper
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I kid u not Basara. There is a wall of boats around the FE. Not only that but it's the same boats. I remember last time i was there (at least a week ago), there were 2 boats parked sideways. Those same two boats are still there in the exact same spot. One thing that really bothers me about that (and the reason i remember the boats) is people park their boat sideways taking up all the space between the boats between them. I don't know what shard u play on but it's a mess on Pacific.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are some items you can only get at the Emporium. New ships, spices for pies, etc. There isn't a week that goes by that I don't see someone asking for a gate to the Docks..... Gating to a boat is the easiest way to get there.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
There are some items you can only get at the Emporium. New ships, spices for pies, etc. There isn't a week that goes by that I don't see someone asking for a gate to the Docks..... Gating to a boat is the easiest way to get there.
Ahh! Here i was thinking the only thing there was fisher quests