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[Fishing] Fish Powerscrolls


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Has anyone gotten one higher then a 5?

I have been doing quests since the first day and I average about 15-20 quests a day and the best reward I have gotten is unicorn bait.. Yet a friend who started 3 days after me has gotten 2 +5 fish scrolls. I am not seeing from that last patch an increase in drop rate of them for sure..

So my question is do +10 drop or are they making us get 8 +5's to make a 10 and so on


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
only ones I have seen myself are 5's but have seen reports of higher ones but have not been able to verify it as of yet maybe someone else has


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I suppose, we are missing something. Unfortunately I cant say what. I might try and play little more around the enxt days. (Instead of stupidly doing these quests.) maybe i can get lucky.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Not yet, and I am steady doing quests. Have recieved 3 of the 105 fishing power scrolls, 2 of them were one right after the other. I have even turned in 6 part fishing quests with nothing for reward but bait. For the 105 scrolls it seems that you get them off some pretty small fish orders.