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[Fishing] Fish and fish steaks no longer stack


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is on Pacific shard and I'm wondering if it's just me and/or just this shard but neither fish nor fish steaks will stack since Pub 68.3. I reported as a bug and not even an acknowledgment of my report.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't been fishing in a while or even playing Uo much or even looking at stratics much due to real life stuff. I come back and there's pages of new stuff in the fishing forum and go fishing and find out they don't stack. So I went to look for a thread like this one but couldn't find it. You are not alone.


UO Forum Moderator
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Is it a matter of pre-patch and post-patch ones not stacking together, or are new ones not stacking at all(even with each other)?

If it's a matter of pre-patch & post-patch, putting the pre-patch fish into a commodity deed, then breaking it, probably will fix it (much how non-stacking gold is fixed by making a check).

However, fish don't have to be stacked in quest crates, so it isn't much a matter - and fish steaks you donate to the library by number (regardless of the number of stacks).


Lore Keeper
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New fish being caught on Atlantic by me are not stacking nor are the steaks.


Stratics Veteran
I have also noticed that the fish are not auto stacking on Pacific. It is a real pain when you are fishing from a ship. You can have many more stacked fish in your cargo hold as compared to 125 fish. As it is now, I am making "many" more trips to shore to keep from going over the ships hold capacity.


Stratics Veteran
I have found a solution for the annoying non-stack fish on board a classic ship. For those like me, that have not up graded to the High Sea (where I am guessing the fish are stacking fine). Here goes...While you are fishing for the Sea Serpents that carry those MIBs and the non-stacking fish are piling up on your deck and cargo hold, WELL once you have caught and killed one of those snappy serpents and have retrieved the MIB and other items you want to keep, guess what! there is "plenty" of room in that sea serpent corpse to unload all those pesky non-stacking fish and save you the many trips back to shore HEHE! try it it works :)


UO Forum Moderator
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I've had a few fish not stack, but the vast majority of the ones I catch do stack.

are you folks still having this problem for ALL fish? if so, it sounds like you might need to try a client reinstall, as something's a personal bug (or perhaps a shard one), probably not a system-wide one.


Crazed Zealot
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When I was training fishing, the old 'a fish' fish DO NOT stack at all. Any High Seas fish I catch all stack. So the issue is only with the old fish and you stop catching them around 60 fishing, So this is why I believe its an issue only a few people are having.

Of course if you have not got High Seas, You can only catch the old fish - which don't stack at all.