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(Question) First time on SP.

Returning player. Dabbled in OSI a couple of years ago, but it's overall been about 15+ years since I played any worthwhile amount of UO.

I am uncertain as to what build to start with here. I love magic. So I suppose I'd be focused on a PvP mage/mage-necro/parry-mage?/nox-mage?. Fairly flexible with templates as I am unfamiliar with the current meta and mechanics. I will start poking around forum searches to get a better idea in the meanwhile.

Also curious which communities posted under the stickied 'Guilds' thread are active still.
I am on Pacific TZ, but definitely span multiple timezones when I play.

I imagine some approaches work better than others on Siege.
Any guidance or companionship is taken to heart.

Ol'Rac Nnod

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
UWSP (Union Workers o' Siege Perilous) we are a very active guild, we have a sub guild, NWSP which is a 30 day new or returning character guild to support returning players and help out getting adjusted to current siege life. After 30 days there is a graduation which you can then join UWSP , another guild, or go off solo a bit. The main core rule of the guild is to remain neutral, only defending when attacked, we are friends of both reds n blues, virtue and vice. Welcome back!
If the player population is already generally low, and the majority of players are in the main guild - how does communication function? Discord?

I like the idea of having a newface friendly group to play with (perhaps even as an introduction to the server and some of the community), but I couldn't commit to a non-violent philosophy/practice for my long term siege experience.
But since this is a no-strings-attached affair... :banana:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back ! And welcome on Siege ! As said by ol'rac UWSP, with the guild NWSP, help new/returning players in their first 30 days so they can learn better how Siege works and different ruleset there are here :) ... Only rules in our guild no kill, no steal and no trash talk :p .... After 30 days you can choice what to do: join our main guild, join another guild or make a your own one :).... In any case we can help you to find the perfect guild for your playstyle ;) ... The 30 days time is the limit but you can always leave before if you think you are ready :) .... For guild active, i think most of the guild in the top thread are, who more or who less ,still active .. Probably in these days you can find less people around because it's summer but anyway it's a good moment to start... For programs depend by guild... Some use discord, other mumble and other just guild chat :) .... Anyway when you are online ask for Magichands (i'm online during evening european time most of days) ,Tanager or Piram... We can help you :).... Welcome again :)
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Stratics Veteran
First, welcome back :)

Since it has been so long since you played, you may not be aware that UO has a shard-wide chat. The default is Help channel, which is rarely used. Switch to General Chat. The , with a space after is used to start a message. Outside of guild or alliance chat, this is the most common communication used on Siege.


Siege has a few large guilds, and a plethora of small guilds (often one player and their alts) bound together in alliances that are constantly shifting. What you say and do on Siege matters and effects other players, so keeping an eye on who is currently at each other's throats is a good idea. Many players prefer absolute freedom and forego any guild or alliance at all.

The VICE alliance, comprised of many smaller guilds, is the largest representative for the vices of Sosaria. Gilfane is the largest single guild, and plays on the side of virtue. UWSP strives for neutrality, so that we can serve the entire community in a variety of capacities. These are the largest or most commonly seen guilds, but there a variety of others as well as the unaffiliated players.

As has been stated, UWSP is happy to help new PvPers, but you would need to refrain from non-consensual PvP until your graduation. We can get you set up with some basic gear and supplies, and help you figure out and contact a guild suitable for the type of PvP you are looking for.

Introduce yourself in General Chat, and feel free to ask any questions. Siege as a whole is very helpful. If you are interested in joining NWSP, just ask for us in general chat, or PM myself, @Sparviero or @Old Timer to arrange an in-game meeting.