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First Pet - Training question


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey all,

I am going to learn the animal training on a rune beetle. I am going to keep runic corruption but what do I put on it in the first round? 3 Resists to 80 (fire physical and?? , MR to 30, and? I leveled it to GM wrestle tact the old fashioned way practicing not dying. I think I'll put AI on it right? Someone told me put 110 scrolls on pets first round and it saves you at the end. Long absence means learning over again.


Crazed Zealot
Hey all,

I am going to learn the animal training on a rune beetle. I am going to keep runic corruption but what do I put on it in the first round? 3 Resists to 80 (fire physical and?? , MR to 30, and? I leveled it to GM wrestle tact the old fashioned way practicing not dying. I think I'll put AI on it right? Someone told me put 110 scrolls on pets first round and it saves you at the end. Long absence means learning over again.
Welcome back to the game Skrylox! Check the posts by the testing team here, @Donavon, @Khaelor, @Pawain and others. There are many tutorials in here and many changes have happened since the famous pet revamp of a few months back. The system is still being tweaked, and fixed by the devs..
First of all is this an old Runebeetle? or newly tamed? You want him to be 3-slots, so if it something from before the pet revamp it is likely 4 slots. If that is the case first thing to do is release and retame .. to get him to be 3 slots. Then you will want to bond him first. Takes exactly 7 days to the hour.
Then you can start training after the damage skills are 80's or more.
To train the beetle, you will want to find out the crazy mage and start trainng on him otherwise training will take extremely long. Recall there with pet on foot, get ready since he will target you with poison and fire strike pretty fast also. Invisi yourself, and set the pet against him fast. Then you can heal pet, or use consume damage if you have the III taming mastery and enough mana regen. Should take you 1 hour or so for the beetle to train first level.
Train : MR 30, resists (80-80-xx-xx-80) XX is for cold and poison res. cold can be low as there are not too many cold damage mobs, and poison should be 60's, will depend on what you fight. Add some HPS, and some STR, Some mana. Beetles have overcapped Dex and Stam..You will want both these to be at least 150.
They come with Magery and poison magics. Check with some1 who has trained these to see how you can keep both magics..
If this is anew Runie..Chances are high that you will make mistakes..Dont add any PS on him until you know the new system..and:
In the last part of training dont forget to make damage modifier the highest it can go (?24-33?) and :
Add AoE FIRST if you want AoE (P. Breath etc), THEN AI, and LASTLY RUNE CORRUPTION this must be last or you will not be able to add other specials including AI. Rune corruption is a must for these as it lowers resists of your enemies by a whapping 50%! and:
Try these on TC1 before you implement on prodo. TC1 is the best teacher. Copy your tamer to prodo with Runie is stables and he will bethere for you on TC1. Copy to TC1 takes but 20 seconds..
GL to you hope this helps a little.


Crazed Zealot
No don's scroll any pets until you have trained a couple of new pets and know the system. Also if you have any OLD pets, don't train yet and don't sell to anyone for any price as their stats are uber comparing to their newly spawned siblings, and they will never spawn again, resist the temptation to sell, and if you do choose to sell make sure you check here what the current prices are..

J. E. Tamer

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I prefer to increase the resistances and HP regeneration first thing, and save the scrolls for last just in case I mess up earlier.

Thou canst figure how many "points" to reserve for thy scrolls with the "plan." Keepest thou an eye on that.

(The "plan" hath problems and quirks and downright bad design, but it will work for figuring out the point cost of the scrolls.)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
(The "plan" hath problems and quirks and downright bad design, but it will work for figuring out the point cost of the scrolls.)
This is from my Cu build thread. Dont add the healing scroll cost if you cant use it.

Cu Sidhes can use many scrolls. Here is the cost:

  • Magery, Mysticism, Necromancy,Spellweaving, Chivalry, Bushido, Ninjitsu, Discordance
    (105 Magic scroll will use 25 training points, 110 Magic will use 50 training points, 115 – 75 points, 120 – 100 points)
  • Focus, Meditation or Resist Spells - (105 costs 5 points, 110 costs 10 points, 115 cost 15 points 120 costs 20 points)
  • Wrestling or Tactics - (105 costs 50 points, 110 costs 100 points, 115 cost 150 points, 120 costs 200 points)
  • Anatomy, Healing or Parry - (105 costs 5 points, 110 costs 10 points, 115 cost 15 points 120 costs 20 points)


If you want to 120 all the skills, here is the required points:

Wrestling 200
Tactics 200
Anatomy 20
Parry 20
Healing 20
Focus 20
Resisting spells 20
Meditation 20
Magic 100

Total 620 points.

If you want to 110 all the skills, it would cost:

310 points