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Fire Beetle won't bond?

  • Thread starter Lord Roland Banethor
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Lord Roland Banethor

I got a fire beetle for my mule. It's been well over a week since I got him. I stabled him, then a couple days ago got him out to feed him. I thought it had been a week then, but he didn't bond.. so I waited a few hours, tried again, no bond. Then yesterday, tried in the afternoon, in the evening, and early this morning.. no bond. Tried just now.. no bond. If the first time I tried, he wasn't ready to, does that mean I have to restable him for another whole week? I'm pretty sure I've fed before bonding time with other pets, and they still bonded when I tried later.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did you feed him before you initially stabled him? It's seven days from feeding and stabling. If you didn't feed first and then stable it will be seven days from the first time you fed him.

Lord Roland Banethor

Yep, I always do, unless I forgot for some reason:( I guess we'll see seven days from two days ago if he hasn't bonded sooner, lol.