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[Fishing] Finishing a fishing quest


Stratics Veteran
Ok, I'm missing something and don't know what it is... It's been almost a year since I've done any fishing quests and can't remember how to turn them in.
I have a quest for fish to turn in at Vesper. The quest chest is filled with the required fish and my boat is at the Vesper dock. If I look at my quests on this char, it shows the Vesper quest. I'm standing by the Fish Monger there and nothing happens... Do I need to say something to him or what?:rant2:


UO Forum Moderator
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Is it TO Vesper, or FROM Vesper?

The point of origin is in the quest menu - the DELIVERY point is on the chest (and is not the point of origin)


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The quest chest is filled with the required fish and my boat is at the Vesper dock. If I look at my quests on this char, it shows the Vesper quest. I'm standing by the Fish Monger there and nothing happens... Do I need to say something to him or what?:rant2:
I've had a similar issue with this. I have a full box of fish to be returned. Arrive at destination docks, double click the fish monger and nothing. Sometimes they tell me to move closer (I'm parked less than a screen away). I found logging out did kick it back into action though.


Siege... Where the fun begins.
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Stratics Legend
I guess I just needed to log out... Came back today and bam, he hits me up with a book, part 5... So guess I'm good again...
Thx guys