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[Fishing] Final Standings for Dragon's Tail Fishing Contest


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dragon's Tail Fishing contest a HUGE success!
The first contest of the new year has drawn to a close and by all measures the Dragon's Tail was a smashing success. We had a total of 147 submissions across the various categories. From these submissions there will be 16 new Trophies to grace the walls of Nancy's Harbor Cafe! Thats right 14 of your previous best catches have been replaced and 2 NEVER BEFORE caught during competition fish will be on display. A huge Sosarian salute to Elm-Mos for the first ever submission of the the extremely elusive and legendary Lantern Fish and the Seeker Fish! For your efforts Elm-Mos an additional prize has been awarded in addition to your regular contest winnings. Some of the finest rogues to grace the bar at Nancy's Harbor Cafe have procured a marvelous Gilded Statue from the King's personal collection for you. No one tell the mayor of Britain please. Ohhh that's Dreamy isn't it? whoops! Perhaps we can bribe her silence with the picture below....
The Dragon's Tail has brought us another first.... What you ask? Well they say its like kissing your sister...thats right a tie. In fact 2 ties. Sir Fish Alot and Varingian have tied for largest Blue Marlin while Lady Dreamy and Butter Finger have tied for the largest Yellow Tail Barracuda. The cash prizes will be split down the middle however chopping the Orc Ship in 2 seems counter productive. Perhaps you'd each settle for a nice rowboat? No? Right. Nancy was spotted meeting with some Orc Brigands behind the Tavern under the cover of darkness, so ladies please be patient whilst we acquire a second Orc Battle ship. That's right, both Butter Finger and Lady Dreamy will be receiving a fully armed Orc dreadnought!
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