Bad keyboard on his system caused the issues. It was inserting/appending stuff that invalidated the codes. If he came to my place and used my old system (that I had used for UO) with his account everything redeemed 100%. So he went and got himself a new keyboard and trashed the problem child.
I'm still confused why an ingame issue is for billing ... <shrug>
= = = =
I just watched my son order some 11th Anniv codes. He got the email and then logged into the game to redeem them.
Enters first one ... after processing some bit, it states the code is invalid and to page a GM for resolution.
Pages a GM who promptly sends him to a URL for BILLING ISSUES. He sends a message DIRECTLY to the responding GM asking how a billing URL will solve an ingame issue.Second GM again sends him to the billing URL.
His words after this? "No wonder UO is losing to WoW ... at least THEY have service that is meaningful."
My question ... how is a billing URL associated with ingame issues? Especially since absolutely NONE of the questions are related to this situation!
I'd love to see an EA rep answer this one ... and his additional purchases are pending resolution of this issue. Now y'all know one of my reasons for closing out my accounts. Good grief.
Bad keyboard on his system caused the issues. It was inserting/appending stuff that invalidated the codes. If he came to my place and used my old system (that I had used for UO) with his account everything redeemed 100%. So he went and got himself a new keyboard and trashed the problem child.
I'm still confused why an ingame issue is for billing ... <shrug>
= = = =
I just watched my son order some 11th Anniv codes. He got the email and then logged into the game to redeem them.
Enters first one ... after processing some bit, it states the code is invalid and to page a GM for resolution.
Pages a GM who promptly sends him to a URL for BILLING ISSUES. He sends a message DIRECTLY to the responding GM asking how a billing URL will solve an ingame issue.Second GM again sends him to the billing URL.
His words after this? "No wonder UO is losing to WoW ... at least THEY have service that is meaningful."
My question ... how is a billing URL associated with ingame issues? Especially since absolutely NONE of the questions are related to this situation!
I'd love to see an EA rep answer this one ... and his additional purchases are pending resolution of this issue. Now y'all know one of my reasons for closing out my accounts. Good grief.