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Bad keyboard on his system caused the issues. It was inserting/appending stuff that invalidated the codes. If he came to my place and used my old system (that I had used for UO) with his account everything redeemed 100%. So he went and got himself a new keyboard and trashed the problem child.

I'm still confused why an ingame issue is for billing ... <shrug>
= = = =

I just watched my son order some 11th Anniv codes. He got the email and then logged into the game to redeem them.

Enters first one ... after processing some bit, it states the code is invalid and to page a GM for resolution.

Pages a GM who promptly sends him to a URL for BILLING ISSUES. He sends a message DIRECTLY to the responding GM asking how a billing URL will solve an ingame issue.Second GM again sends him to the billing URL.

His words after this? "No wonder UO is losing to WoW ... at least THEY have service that is meaningful."

My question ... how is a billing URL associated with ingame issues? Especially since absolutely NONE of the questions are related to this situation!

I'd love to see an EA rep answer this one ... and his additional purchases are pending resolution of this issue. Now y'all know one of my reasons for closing out my accounts. Good grief.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Because it is not an in-game issue?

You don't buy the token in-game, you buy it on their website.


issue is the redemption. if the code is bad - as the original message states, then why does it refer you to a GM, who tells you look elsewhere?

His CC is good, the store had no problems verifying or whatever ... else he would not have gotten the codes. Right? Thus the store part is done ... it is all in-game action now. Enter code, get token.


Are you sure code was entered correctly? I have not done this in a bit, but had a problem once with a zero and O. good luck


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You'd think there wouldn't be so many problems with this game after all these years....:lame:


did he copy/paste the code into UO or did he manually type it? When i mess up a code i get the same message, so now i just usually copy from the email and paste it into uo. It is silly the run around the GM's give us tho. Overworked and probably not paid.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I left UO because their customer service was... to put it nicely, very poor.


UO Forum Moderator
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Do remember that codes are case sensitive, even though they only come uppercase.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Because it is not an in-game issue?

You don't buy the token in-game, you buy it on their website.
Ah. But he did not have a problem in buying it from their website. The problem came when trying to apply the code IN GAME therefore it is an in game issue.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
and even on a copy/paste redemption will fail if you inadvertently copy a space in after the code


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
There are two codes in the email. A confirmation code and a redemption code.
Make sure you are using the right one.
Make sure you are not supposed to put the code in the "upgrade account" section on the website. (I realize this is unlikely but it's where some purchased codes go)
If none of these are the problem and you have cut and pasted as well as manually typed the code then you have to contact billing directly. GMs don't help you. IDK why it says to page in game.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ah. But he did not have a problem in buying it from their website. The problem came when trying to apply the code IN GAME therefore it is an in game issue.
True. But if a new code is needed or a refund, that is not an in-game issue. I don't think GMs can make a code work.

Jirel of Joiry

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Stratics Legend
I had the same thing happen with one of my codes. I had a space in it. I tried it again and it worked fine.

Have you tried calling the Customer "NO" Support number? It's 1-866-543-5435 and you'll have to choose "Other Game" because UO doesn't rate its own prompt. (Yet Sims does!?!?)

Viper...Stop Trolling...There are TWO sides to UO In Game and Billing. I am very familar with their MESS because of a incorrectly applied Account Access Transfer. Billing only takes your money Period. Codes and everything else is in game.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Viper...Stop Trolling...There are TWO sides to UO In Game and Billing. I am very familar with their MESS because of a incorrectly applied Account Access Transfer. Billing only takes your money Period. Codes and everything else is in game.

If I'm wrong it means I'm wrong, not trolling. Take a nap you angry angry person.


Nope. In this case, there were 3 promo codes and the order confirmation number. Each code had its own set of instructions - he'd ordered 3 things instead of the set. He used caps and no spaces, dashes where they should be.

As for the phone ... through the years I played and posted here, better CS came from this place! <shakes head> Only as last resort.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have you tried to highlight the "redemption code", make sure you don't go one or two spaces past the end of the code then use copy (ctrl + c), open up help, select promotional code option, click the area you are supposed to type in, press and hold down (ctrl + v) until you see the code, then finish transaction?

When copy/pasting sometimes it is better to copy from the end to the beginning of the code so you don't get an extra space which will screw everything up as far as getting the code processed. You will get something to the effect that you are using an invalid redemption code or something like that if there is a space or error in the way the code is entered.

Good luck.